Chapter 15

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My Impossible Mate

Chapter 15

Maya P.O.V

When I got back to my territory from the New Moon territory with Clef, it was already morning. We walked down the hall on the first floor in the pack house, at the end of the hall there was a double door. I opened both doors to see the library.

"Wow! This is my first time seeing the library in this pack house" said Clef amazed.

The library is the biggest room compared to the alpha's bedroom. The library has books circling around the whole room. It has 2 large fancy stairs going to the second floor. Each floor has a ladder so we can reach the highest shelf. The center of the room has a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling and under the chandelier was a big round table.

"Lets start searching!" I said.

"Wait? We have to search in this big library?!" Clef asked.

"Hey, I tried to warn you how big the library is but 'Noooo' Blake wants up to search for werecat books all day!" I responded.

"Ok, ok! You don't have to put it in a bad way. I'll search on the second floor and you search on this floor." said Clef.

"Why?" I said.

"Why? It'll take forever to search together on one floor." he said.

"The books are in alphabetical order from A-Z. We can just look in the W or C section sence we're look for 'werecats' it might be in one of these sections." I said.

"Wait?! Every single book in this room is in alphabetical order?!" he questioned.

"What? Your pack house library's not?" I questioned.

Clef looked off into the distance with a guilty look on his face.

**sigh** "How lazy can the New Moon pack get. Don't even know how to neaten up the library." I said with a disappointed face.

Blake P.O.V

I wish I can skip school today but have look for Kiraki. And...

"It would be easier if you let go of my arm! What if my mate got the wrong idea," I yelled.

"Then its her fault for thinking that we're couples, but I wouldn't blame her, we do make a great couple." Jun squealed.

Jun was wrapping himself against my arm and everyone was giving us a creepy looks.

"We're not couples!" I yelled out so the students would hear me.

"Wow! I didn't know you were into boys who cross dress."

"Like I said, I'm not into boys!"

I turned around to see my beautiful mate.

"Kiraki?" I whispered.

"Oooooh?! So your Blake's so called werecat mate!" Jun said.

"Hey not so loud! We're still in school, people can hear us!" I said.

"Blake's right! You don't want the humans to find out about us, if they do we might be in a lot of trouble." Kiraki smiled.

"I want to speak to you alone in the woods, if thats possible?" I asked.

Kiraki fell to the ground kneeling, turning her head to the side and holding her cheek on one side.

"But thats dangerous for a innocent girl like me, to follow someone I don't know yet, like you. What if you try to force yourself on me?!" Kiraki said looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Ah, you made her cry," said Jun.

I looked around to see girls whispering and boys giving me death glares.

"I'm not that kind of person! I'm not gonna force myself on a girl!" I yelled out to everyone.

"Blakey is right! He has me after all!" Jun said cheerfully.

Everyone started whispering and giving us dirty looks.

"I'm not gay so SHUT UP JUN!!!!" I yelled at him.

Tears started to run down his face.

"Blakey, you idiot!!" said Jun running away while crying.

I looked around and everyone was looking at me as if I was the bad guy.


I looked down to see Kiraki covering her mouth trying really hard not to laugh out loud.

"Hehe hehe. Danm that bitch. She was fake crying all along." I whispered to myself.

"(Seems like our mate will be a little trouble some. Don't you think?)" said Sable in my mind.

"Yea, but she's actually cute while doing it." I said back.


Stay tune for the next chapter

I know this chapter is a bit short i was really busy

The next chapter will be better

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