Chapter 30

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My Impossible Mate

Chapter 30

Blane P.O.V

'Ok, I got this. All I need is to ask him out, real easy'

The bell ranged and school had ended, but there are still a lot student after school for clubs.

I walked down the hall to find Jun at his locker. He was looking in a small mirror fixing his hair.

"Hey, Jun!" I called out.

Jun looked up. "Oh hey. Blane, was it?"

"Yeah, it's Blane." I was happy that he knew my name.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Jun asked, closing his locker.

'Come on, Blane. You can do this' My heart was pounding fast and hard. I bet all the wolves in this school can hear it. "I was wondering if... you know... if, if you want, if you want to go on a... d-da..." I started to panic. "If you want to hang out!" I mentally slap myself.

'Hang out! Really!? Great way to say that you just want to be friends' Black linked.

'Oh shut up. I panicked'

"You want to hang out?" Jun said.

"Yeah, if that's ok with you," I said.

"Oh, yeah sure, it's ok. I was gonna hang out with Blakey after school. Is it ok if he comes along?"

"Oh. You want Blake to come along." I was literally growling on the inside.

"Hey guys!" And right on cue Alpha Blake comes down the hall way with Kiraki.

"Blakey!" Jun ran over and hugged him.

"Get off of me Jun!" Blake pushed him away.

Kiraki was giggling. "So what were you and Blane talking about?" She asked.

"We were just talking about how we're all gonna go hang out together," said Jun.

I glare at Blake and I let a growl rip through my throat.

Blake nervously chuckled. "Oh, sorry Jun. I was gonna take Kiraki on a date."

"You were?" Kiraki looked at Blake.

"Yes, remember? I said I was gonna take you out," Blake said tilting his head towards me.

"Oh right, yeah. I remembered now," Kiraki also nervously chuckled.

"Sorry Jun, maybe next time?" Blake said.

"But Blakey..." Jun whine giving puppy dog eyes.

I let out a sigh. "You know what Jun, go ahead, I have some grocery shopping to do anyway. I'm sure Kiraki wouldn't mind having you around on their date, right?"

Kiraki gave me a confused look and I only smiled. "Y-yeah I'm totally fine with it."

"Really? Cool! You sure you don't want to come?" Jun asked me.

"Yeah I'm sure, don't worry. We can hang out some other time," I gave Jun a reassuring smile.

Blake and Kiraki looked at each other, then they looked at me. I only shrugged and left, leaving Jun with the two of them.

'Why in the freaking hell would you do that!?' Black yelled.

'Well, he wanted to hang out with Blake. I can't really do anything about that, and plus, I really do have grocery shopping to do. I can always ask him tomorrow, I still have a week' I reasoned.

Black didn't answer back. I let out a puff of air and walked off the school grounds into the cold winter air.

Blake P.O.V

"I feel really bad," Kiraki whispered to me.

I have to admit, I do feel a bit guilty. I mean, Blane asked Jun out and somehow we got dragged into it.

"Yeah, so do I," I whispered back.

"So, where are we going?" Jun asked.

"Jun, we really weren't-" I interrupted Kiraki before she could finish.

"We're gonna go eat at a fancy restaurant!"

"We are?" Kiraki rised a brow.

"Yes we are," I said.

"A fancy restaurant? I'm ok with that, what's the name?" Jun asked.

"Uhh? The name, yes the name. The name of this place is... called... uh...?"

"Lavender Rose," Kiraki said.

"Isn't that place suppose to be really pricey?" Jun mentioned.

"Yep, that's why I have enough money for one date with Kiraki," I said. "With just the two of us." I added.

"Oh, so you guys really did have a date," Jun said. "I thought you made that whole story up just so you could get rid off me."

"Whaaaaa? There's no way I would do that." I sheepishly laughed.

"Actually Jun, we really did made that up," Kiraki confessed. "We just wanted to help Blane."

"Help Blane? With what?" Jun asked.

"Well she asked you out," Kiraki said.

"Oh, so you wanted me to go on a date with Blane?"

Kiraki and I both nodded.

"But she asked to hang out not go on a date?"

"Right, so you wouldn't start panicking when you want to ask out the person you love?" Said Kiraki.

"No, why would I panic?"

"Jun is hopeless," I whispered to Kiraki.

She nodded in agreement.

'Why not ask him how he feels about Blane'

'Oh, hey, Sable. Wait? Why would I ask him that?'

'Well, if Jun is Blane's mate then he should be feeling some kind of pull towards her. Being mates doesn't automatically make you fall into love with each other, it only sets a certain spark and from there the relationship would be bloomed' Sable explained.

'Ok, I'll ask him' "Jun let me ask you something," I said.

"Sure, ask away."

"Why do you like me? And do not answer with 'I'm gay.'"


"Jun, you don't like me in a lover's way, you only like me as a friend. Now let me ask you this, how do you feel about Blane?"

"Blane? Well... um? I don't really know but, somehow I have this pull towards her."

I smiled, the spark is there, they only need to make it bloom. "Why not go to her? Jun you may not know this, but you're not the only one with that feeling. Blane also has that feeling towards you."

"She does?"

"Jun, you are the most dense vampire I ever met," Kiraki said rolling her eyes. "Blane likes you."

"Likes me? As in she-"

"Yes!" I snapped. "As in she loves you, well, maybe not love, more like mated but still..."

"Go to her," Kiraki persuade. "Please."

Jun nodded. "Ok, I'll go."

And with that Jun left Kiraki and I alone.

"I think they make a pretty good couple," I said.

"Like us?" Kiraki kissed me on the cheek.

I chuckled. "Like us," I said before bringing our lips into a passionate kiss.

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