Moving Backwards to Move Forward

Start from the beginning

They were heading to Diagon Ally to go school shopping. Teddy had been asking for weeks to go. He started the second he got his Hogwarts letter.

Each time Harry telling him "We will soon." Harry was scared that if he goes he will be that one step closer to losing what he has held on to so tightly.

Harry knew that his fear was unfounded, but it was still there haunting his mind.

Small arms hugged him around his chest. Blue hair tickling his chin. Harry would have hugged back if he could move his arms. But alas they where pinned to his sides by the arms of the blue haired boy.

Taking this touching moment Harry used it to his advantage and apperated them to the Leaky Cauldron to start their day.

Having a quick breakfast of butter and grits they head to Diagon Ally.
Their first stop was Madam Malkin's.

Hearing the bell above the door takes Harry back to the first time he walked into the shop.

"Harry?" A voice spoke bringing him out of the memory.

"Sorry Teddy just thinking back to my first time here." Harry said while smiling at Teddy.

"Hello boys." Came a voice from behind them.

"Hello Madam Malkin." Harry said. "This is my godson Teddy. He will be starting Hogwarts this year."

"Oh how exciting for you young man." Madam Malkin said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Thanks ma'am." Teddy said politely.

"We would like to get 7 school robes, 3 formal robes, 1 winter, 1 spring and 1 summer traveling cloaks." Harry requested.

"Not a problem. Will you be waiting here Mr. Potter?" Asked Madam Malkin.

"No I will be running a quick errand and return after." Replied Harry

"Very good. I should have him measured and sized in about 20 minutes." The shop owner said.

"Great I should be back by then. If not Teddy, please stay here until I return." Said Harry as he walked toward the door.

Teddy looked at the shop owner for directions on what to do next.

"Follow me young man." She said as she walked toward the pedestal that he would stand on to get measured.

There were two so Teddy picked one and stepped up on it and turned to look at the lady.

As she was about to give him directions the bell went off letting them know more customers have walked in.

"I will be right back. Just stay put." Madam Malkin instructed to Teddy.

She walked to the front of the shop and welcomed the people who walked in.

Teddy could hear muffled voices and then the bell went off again. Apparently another parent left because Madam Malkin was walking another kid to the back.

"Just step up there young man and we will get both of you started." The  woman said.

With that the woman waved her wand and two tape measures went to work. Both boys watched as the tape worked around their bodies making sure everything was properly measured and sized.

Once that was done Madam Malkin walked around both boys very slowly and took notes in her work book.

While she was doing that Teddy kept looking at the boy next to him. Finally getting up the nerve he said hello.

"Hello, what is your name?" Teddy asked.

"Scorpius." The blonde boy said shyly.

"Hi Scorpius. My name is Edward but everybody calls me Teddy." He said smiling.

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