Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: The Lord has Returned

From a soft lilac-lavender to a piercing crimson red that seemed to glow under the moonlight that peaked from between the curtains. The scent of blood had filled the air that surrounded the academy. The blood of a maiden. So the night has finally come...

I held out my wrist to Ichiru, letting him have a little snack to hold down his hunger. He may never fall to a Level-E, but his hunger is something I can only satisfy and not seal away. After a small little gulp he released my wrist and I used my sleeve to clean up the mess around his mouth.

He hummed in contempt and pulled me in for a hug. "I take it that was a sign to start making our move?" He looked up at the moon that appeared to be breaking off into bat shaped pieces. Only we could see it happening though.

I shook my head as I relaxed in his arms. "No, not yet. Let the Senate and Hunter Association set the grounds for us and dance our opening act." My voice was soft and breathy. "After all, in the end the only way for them to reach their goals is to complete our goal in the process. Whether they know it or not."

The door to the grand room opened to reveal a tall seventeen year old vampire with short, wavy, white hair and brilliant golden eyes. "Hime, the gathering has been completed and await further orders." O'Sen informed as she was in an elegant bow.

Miyako grinned and looked to her most stoic servant before looking back up at Ichiru. "Very well, thank you, O'Sen." Miyako looked back up at the darkening sky through the window. "Tonight is the night... we feast upon fear itself and the True Lord will raise once again."

I was passing back and forth in the courtyard deep in thought. Cross Yuki... is actually Kuran Yuki... the hidden Kuran princess. Lord Kaname's younger sister. The only daughter of the late Lord Haruka and late Lady Juri. Thanks to her awakening the Lord of chaos will awaken soon as well. I paused in my steps when my eyes caught sight of Index and Kiryu's twin brother scurrying across the yard in the shadows.

Following them I watched as entered the forest. Cautiously followed them in, but I had lost their trail. "Where did they go?" I mumbled as I took notice to snowflakes falling from the sky. "Snow this early in the year?" I questioned before I felt ice pin my feet to the ground.

My eyes followed the trail of ice to see Index at the end of it. "Well, well, well." She chuckled. "If it isn't Lord Ryū, master of crystals and all that shines beneath the sun." She walked closer with the younger of the Kiryu twins close by her side. "What are you doing tailing us on our little date?"

"Date? More like mischief." I bit out. "Didn't you both know? There's a warning to stay in your dorms tonight, humans must stay inside." Are these two involved with the Lord of Chaos too, or are they on their own agenda?

She grinned and snuggled into Kiryu's side. "Ah... I see. Well it's a good thing we're not humans." While Kiryu Ichiru's eyes flashed the familiar red of a vampire, Index's eyes glowed a pale pink.

"B-but how is that possible... that Kiryu boy being a vampire like his brother is one thing, but Index you're-!" I stammered my words, the cold of the out of season snow draining me of strength. "You're kind... has been extinct... for... generations..."

My body joined my feet to the ground as I lost even the strength to stand. "Correction:" She whispered. "We have been in hiding for centuries, my dear little dragon." With those being the last words I heard, everything was swollowed by darkness.

I walked along side Miyako with a blue creature in my arms. "So Ryū was a dragon this whole time instead of a vampire?" I asked as we entered a basement of some sorts. I was carrying his limp body over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Miyako nodded as she swiveled around me to close the door behind us. "In a way yet, his grandmother was a Pureblood, but other than her the rest of his bloodline is all dragon." She walked down some stairs, the both of us using our night vision to our full advantage.

I dropped Ryū on the ground 'gently' as Miyako made her way towards a coffin. She lifted the lid to reveal a man with messy hair and porcine skin. "I finally found you..." My ears caught Miyako's whisper as she pulled out a dagger from her pocket and stabbed it through her hand and through the man's chest. "Welcome back, father."

Mismatched eyes opened, one an icy blue while the other a dark reddish brown. I bowed in respect from where I stood, a few feet away from the two, whiles Miyako smiled gently. The man sat up and rested his forehead in the palm of his hand.

He looked up through the spaces between his fingers and a wicked grin formed on his lips; fangs and all flashing with pride. Lord Rido has returned.

In that moment Ryū regained conscious and shot up in a panic. He was still in his small dragon form as his head whipped around to scan the room like a crazed animal. His golden eyes laid on the man that now sat up in his coffin bed. "Lord of Chaos!" Ryū suddenly became human again, well sort of. His wings and horns were still viable as well as his lizard like pupils.

He stumbled over to Rido and kneed ed on one knee like you'd see knights in fairytale books do. So he's a follower.... I thought to myself as I took my place standing beside Miyako, just slightly behind her.

Rido looked at the dragon boy with a smirk of a smile. "Ah... dragon boy, so you survived the raid. Good." He reached into a pocket in his shirt to pull out a blue gem that was nearly black in colour. "As a reward I will return to you your soul." He placed the gem on Ryū's forehead and a light glowed.

The flirtatious dragon's body glowed a deep blue colour before disappearing. "So he was actually a Hollow One this whole time?" Miyako muttered to herself in spoken thought.

Rido looked to her with an unreadable look. "That's right, his clan had been raided and slaughtered by the Senit centuries ago. I found him when he was on his last thread of life and made a deal." He slowly stood from his coffin and dusted his tattered clothes; smoothing out the wrinkles. "I hold onto his Soul Gem to preserve his life a tad longer and he create a way to give you and the others aristocratic abilities."

His eyes flickered to me before looking back at Miyako. "At least you chose someone loyal." He then started making his way out of the cellar.

Hey guys^^
I'm running out of ideas, wanna help me out with the next chapter?

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