Flashback --

"Well what do we have here. Little old Caitlin has a beautiful white dress. Oh Caitlin it looks so nice . You don't get to have nice things , so we're going to have to get rid of it. " My "stepsisters" said as they threw my dress into the fire . "No ." I screamed as I lunged after the dress . I picked up the dress and it was ruined . I had ashes all over my face. " My mother gave that to me . How dare you do that . You have no consideration for others . " I spat out as I began to get very angry. " One day you're going to look back on this moment and wish you would be treated me better . When you two are alone and wondering why something is missing in your life you're going to look back at this moment . I am your "step sister" and you should've treated me better . Not like a maid . I welcomed you into this house with warm arms .You're missing out I am a great person to be around . So mark my words . You will look back at this day and realize how horrible you treated me. " I screamed and waited for a response so I could yell back. That's how angry I was. "Would you look at that . Cinder all over your face . You look like a fool . " Anastasia said . I was about to say something back when she spoke. "Your mom gave you that dress. Ella was it? You have cinder all over your face , so why not just call you Cinderella. " Anastasia said as she pranced around saying "Cinderella " with her sister. I clenched my fist and ran outside . I wanted to punch them , but I that wasn't who I was . I'm not a violent person. I started to cry.

Flashback over --

"Caitlin we're here ." Felicity said as I got out of the car . I followed Felicity and Oliver into the school. I kind of felt like a third wheel to be honest . I dropped my purse and picked it up. Making me fall behind Felicity and Oliver. I walked down the stairs alone . A lot of people were staring in my direction , so I looked behind me . No one was behind me. "They must be looking at something else." I thought to myself . I reached the ending of the stairs and was greeted by Felicity. "You made quite the entrance." Felicity said as she giggled. "What do you mean ." I say confused . "All the boys are going crazy over you . " Felicity said pointing at a large crowd of boys . "Me." I said pointing to myself . "Yeah they think you're hot ." Felicity said . It must be a mistake . "Oliver and I are going to dance we will be back in a few . " Felicity said as she walked next to Oliver hand in hand . "They look so happy . I wish I could find a guy that makes me happy ." I thought to myself . My thoughts were interrupted by a young dashing man tapping me on the shoulder . "Would you like to dance with me ." He asked as he held his hand out . "Wait are you talking to me?" I said pointing to myself. He laughed a little . "You looked alone , so I thought you would like to accompany me to the dance floor . A beautiful young lady like you shouldn't be alone." The dashing young man said as he gave me a charming smile. He just called me beautiful . I'm freaking out because one he just called me beautiful , two he asked me to dance with him , and three I don't know how to dance . "Yeah sure." I said as I grabbed his hand . His hands felt so soft . I tried to look around to see how everyone else was dancing . I tried to follow the moves of the person next to me. It was hard at first ,but I picked up on it easily . "You made quite the entrance ." The dashing young man said. I'm so confused on why people keep saying that . Did I trip and not realize it? My thoughts were interrupted by him saying "My name is Barry Allen by the way." As soon as he said that name my mind froze , but my body kept dancing . Barry Allen the hot guy that's in one of my classes . One of the most popular guys in school. He is dancing with me . I regained awareness and realized he was staring into my eyes waiting for me to reply with my name . "Well I'll say my name at the end of prom . So that way you'll have to keep me company until the end if you want to know my name. " I said proud of myself . I usually am awkward in social interactions , but I was doing good so far. It was easy to talk to him . The words just flowed out of my mouth . Something was different about him . He twirled me around . I saw Felicity look at me and give me a thumbs up and wink . She was probably freaking out . I noticed the song change many times , but I was still dancing with him. I was dancing with Barry Allen. He moved a little closer to me . I got a smell of his scent. He smelled really good . "You smell really good ." I immediately regretting that I said that. Why do I have to be so weird . "You smell really good." I said in my head repeating it and realizing how stupid it sounded . "Thanks you do too ." Barry said . He just responded to me being as freak and saying he smells good . I was about his height , so I put my head in his shoulder as we danced . I was acting so cliche . The girl always did that in the movie . Barry pulled away looking into my eyes , but still dancing . "Sorry I just realized how long we've been dancing . I can stop if you want , but I'm really enjoying this . Is it weird to say that I feel connected to you ?" Barry said still gazing into my eyes . I thought for a second what to say."No it's not weird I feel connected to you too. I like dancing with you because you smell really good ." I said trying to make a joke out of my weirdness . I laughed and he laughed along . "You know I'm not a jerk ." Barry said as I was in shock . Did I call him a jerk? "I think you're really sweet and caring . " I said as I could feel his smile brighten the room . "I don't know I just feel like everyone assumes I'm a jerk because I'm a popular kid. I don't like me being popular . Everyone automatically assumes you're a horrible person. " Barry said as he took a pause and looks into my eyes . When he looks at me I feel like he can see into my soul . "I am actually not just a jock . I came to this school as a so called nerd , but I joined a sport so I could stay fit . And maybe hopefully get a scholarship if I'm good enough . As soon as you join that team you're assigned a title . I can't get away from the jock title now. I like to read books and geek out about new comic books coming out. This isn't me at all. I hate it, but I need a scholarship to get into a nice school . I hope you don't care that I'm babbling on about my life's troubles ." Barry asked looking  at me as I got lost in his eyes . I almost didn't reply because of his entrancing eyes , but I snapped out of I just in time. "No it's okay I'm fine with it. Everyone needs someone to let their feeling out to . Just tell me everything else that's bothering you and that you're willing to share . I saw a couple next to us leave . I suddenly felt thousands of eyes burning in my back . I looked at the corner of my eye and saw the popular girls eyeing me down . I assumed they knew that he was Barry Allen . "And if you ever need someone to geek out with I'm here . I like comic books too . " I said as I saw his eyes light up . "You do!" Barry asked as I lightly laughed . "Yeah The Flash is my favorite ." I said as his eyes widened . "Me too . You know it feels good letting you know about my true self." Barry said as he sighed . "I feel like I've known you for years." Barry said as he turned to see eyes on him."You have no idea Barry.I've known you for almost four  years . You just don't know me." I said searching his eyes for a reply . "Well I guess I missed out on not knowing a wonderfulperson.Sometimes great possibilities are right in front of us , but we don't see them because we choose not to ." Barry said as he was inches away from my face . I could feel once again eyes burning into my soul , but I didn't care because I was with the man of my dreams. "I didn't know you were so poetic Mr. Allen . " I said as we shared a small laugh. "Neither did I until I met you ." Barry said staring into my eyes inches away from me . I was about to move closer when i heard Felicity call my name reminding me the time . "I have to go." I said as I move away from him. "Wait what's your name ?" Barry asked . "That's a mystery that you'll just have to solve. " I said with a smirk . I ran to Felicity . I felt something drop , but I didn't look back . "Hurry we have to get you home before she gets mad at you for being late . You're lucky she let you go." Felicity said as I ran to Oliver's car . I got in and took off my mask . We made it to my house and I thanked Oliver and Felicity . "Bye and you two don't have too much fun ." I said teasing Felicity . I climbed in my window , so I didn't have to face my "step mom" .  I woke up still in my dress . I realized I fell asleep in it . I looked to my right to see my clock read 7:30 . Oh great now I have 30 minutes to get ready . I took a shower and got ready . I walk out the door at 7:54 . The bus would come any minute . I heard the sound of the large school bus coming my way . Yes I wasn't late .

I was in class with Barry.I remembered last night and how much fun I had . I saw him take a look and smile at me . I was nervous and I did my habit I always do . Twist the ring on my finger . It was a gift my mom gave me . I didn't feel anything on my finger . It took me a second to realize that the ring wasn't in my finger . I instantly freaked out. I didn't want to embarrass myself , so I calmly go up and asked the teacher if I could go to the lost and found . "You're my best student Ms.Snow , but we're in the middle of class . I can't make any exceptions for you I'm sorry. " The teacher said as he dismissed me before I could protest . Everyone was staring at me . Even Barry , but his stare was different from the others . I knew he didn't know it was me last night . I quickly sat back down and sighed . That got me a few stares .

Next morning

It was the end of my first block and I was listening to the announcements. "Barry Allen has an announcement ." The speaker boomed as I froze at the sound of his name . "If anyone lost a silver ring come to retrieve it. Tell me what it has engraved on it and I'll give it back . Please I had fun with you last night ." Barry said leaving me breathless . His voice was smooth even over the speaker. I wanted my ring back , so I decided to ask him in third block.

Third block

"Hey Barry I don't know how I lost it I probably dropped it in the hallways by accident , but can I have my ring back ." I asked in a hushed voice . "What does it have engraved on it." He asked . I felt tears forming , but i held them back . "I love you to the moon and back ." I said . "Well I'm flattered ." Barry said touching his heart . He took the ring out of his pocket and read. His eyes grew wide. "Umm I guess this is your ring . " Barry said as he handed me the ring with shaky hands . He dropped the ring and it made a small noise . At this point everyone was looking at us. I reached  down to grab it , but he grabbed it back before I could get it . "Anyone could have guessed that ." Barry said with a charming smile . "Well it's my ring and I would like it back . It's very important  to me." I said looking into his eyes . At this point he was about to hand it to be , but he pulled it back . I saw a young women walk briskly into the room. It was my "step sister" . She walked right up to Barry . "It says I love you to the moon and back." Anastasia said with a smirk. He pretended to give t to her , but pulled it back . "What's your favorite comic book character?" Barry asked . "What kind of question is that. Just give me my ring ." Anastasia said with a smile as she moved closer to him. "Answer my question with the answer I'm looking for and I'll know it's truly yours." Barry said . "I don't know superman . " Anastasia said as Barry looked away from her back to me . "And you ?" Barry looked at me . I knew the answer . Everyone was looking at me now . "The Flash." I whispered . His eyes grew wide and a smile followed. He handed over my ring . "Alright back to class." The teacher yelled in a stern voice .

After third block

"Hello  ." Barry said blocking my way . "Hello  ." I said in a tone mocking his. "So did you have fun with me at prom ." Barry said smiling. I got so nervous I was biting my lip and twisting my ring . "I uhhh I don't know what your talking about." I said . He inched closer to me and I didn't back away . How does he know it was me." You dropped your ring when you left the dance.I solved your mystery ." Barry said smirking . "Okay , so what's my name ." I asked inching closer to him. "Uh uhhh I don't know." Barry said rubbing the back of his neck . I backed away and started walking away. "Wait Caitlin I was just joking ." Barry said with laugh . I turned around and he was right in front of me . "Well done Mr.Allen ." I said as I kissed him and he kissed me back . After the kiss he entwined his hand in mine. "So who's your favorite villain . Mine is Killer Frost ." Barry said as we walked down the hall. "Me too. We are quite the pair Mr.Allen ." I said . "Yes we are Ms.Snow. And they lived happily ever after .

Hope you guys enjoyed this au . I will be posting another au . I have some au ideas , so I might use those first. I really enjoy writing these . Please Vote and comment what you think of this au. Thanks for reading. ❤️

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