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**** Skyler's POV ****

I was on the roof thinking when I got a phone call by Jade.


" Sky you are supposed to be here at the softball game" Jade said

" oh my gosh!! I'm sorry I forgot, I'll be there in 10" I said as we hung up.

I then went downstairs too my room and entered. I quickly grabbed my bag and started too put all my softball stuff in there as fast as I could. I then entered the bathroom and grabbed as ponytail just in case when I heard a knock on my door.

" come in" I screamed as someone walked in and closed the door. I quickly went to take a pill for the cramps as I saw Connor.

" hey" he said as I grabbed my bag, my softball bag, phone and keys.

" hey sorry can't talk right now" I said opening my door and starting too walk down the stairs.

" I need too talk too you" he said following me

" we can talk later I really have to go bye love you" I said hugging him and then kissing his cheek and head out too my car. I put my bag in the trunk and entered my car and drove to the softball court. I drove there as fast as I could and I saw Jade in her softball uniform and ready too go as Sam was standing next too her.

" hey guys sorry I'm late let me change real quick" I said grabbing bag and running to the locker room. I quickly changed and put my hair in a high ponytail. I grabbed my glove and headed out. I got out and saw the team, I quickly ran towards them and got there on time.

" Disney where's Russet" coach said

" she is recovering from being in the hospital" I said as he nodded

" okay soo Disney is first then it's little Disney and you know the order from there" coach said " alright your up" he said as I ran too the field with the baseball bat.

We finally finished playing and we won. We all changed into our regular clothes and headed out. Jade and I were heading out too see Sam where we saw him kissing a girl. I turned too see Jade and she had tears rolling down her cheek.

" jade" I said as she continued crying.

" let's go" she said

" where your place or mines " I asked her

" yours now let go please" she said looking at me as I hugged her and we walked towards my car. I opened the door for Jade when I saw Sam coming our direction, I quickly closed the her door. I went as fast as I could too my door but Sam stopped me.

" wait guys where are you going" he said

" none of your concerned" I snapped at him.

" what's wrong and is Jade crying" he asked concerned

" it doesn't matter just don't talk too her" I said as I entered my car and locked the doors and drove out of there too my house.

" Jade please stop crying, I don't like too see you like this " I said still driving

" he he was ki kissing another girl" she said crying harder.

" oh sweetheart come on just calm down a little please" I said as I drove into my drive way.

" he cheated on me Sky" she said as we both got out of my car grabbing our stuff. We both entered and saw everyone in the living room.

" hey what's wrong" Andy asked concerned as everyone looked and Jade ran upstairs too my room.

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