"why? why me?" he asked while looking up.

"just because." he shrugged and unbuckled his belt. he unzipped his pants and pulled them and his boxers down to his ankles. he then grabbed a fistful of ashton's hair and forced him down on his fully erect penis.

ashton took it like a champ since he's been dealing with this since he was eight, but he was not happy about it.

the guy groaned and threw his head back. he kept yanking ashton's hair which made him cry out. ashton just wished it would end.


ashton was tossed out the locker room and he almost fell on the school's marble floor.

the senior got close to his ear, "see you next time, faggot."

they both walked off, laughing and giving each other high fives. ashton just brushed his dress off and left the school.

he cried all the way to his job and before he entered, he wiped his face dry of tears and put on a fake smile. he couldn't hide his red eyes though, which would give it all away.

ashton walked in and hurried to the lockers/break room where he saw four waitresses sitting there.

"where were you, irwin?" one of them asked.

"uh, school held me back." he mumbled and did the combination on his work locker. he heard a locker slam shut next to him, which made him jump.

"why so jumpy?" one girl asked, "what, you're afraid of lockers?"

they all laughed and ashton had to fake and laugh with them. his laugh sounded robotic. the waitresses noticed and gave ashton a questioning look.

"wait, why are your eyes so red? what happened?" another girl asked.

he rubbed his eyes, "slept with these contacts on and they're starting to irritate my eyes."

they all nodded and went back to chatting with each other and eating their lunch. ashton grabbed his contact and glasses case. he switched out the clear contacts for his glasses and when he finished, he put them in his bag and shoved it in the locker.

he took his roller skates and slipped them on his feet before lacing them up tight. he then closed his locker lightly and put on a fake smile before skating out into the busy diner.

in the span of seven hours, ashton took orders and served tables and even danced with a little girl.

his job says if anyone wants to dance to a song on the jukebox with you, you're subjected to do it. a little girl asked her mom and her mom asked the manager and the manager told ashton.

ashton smiled at the memory and skated out of the diner. he didn't feel like walking. he skated all the way home.

he reached his house and skated inside after he opened the door. he kicked off his skates and went into his kitchen to see a note on the counter.

it from his mom and arabella. his mom said that she was staying late at work and arabella said she was at katrina's house.

ashton crumbled the note and tossed it out. he went into the freezer and pulled out tiny pretzels. he put them in the oven and put them on the set time.

it was going to take awhile, so ashton went into his bathroom and started the water. he stripped himself of clothing before hopping into the already warm shower water.

after quickly washing up, ashton dried himself with his towel and went into his room. he picked out a pair of boy short underwear from victoria secret and slipped them on.

too lazy to put on clothes, ashton just tied a robe around his body and slipped on some fluffy slippers.

he went downstairs and grabbed the pretzels out of the oven. they were hot and he burned his hand. for the next two minutes, he cried and iced his hand.

after regaining himself, he put on an oven mitt and carefully put the pretzels on a plate. he poured himself a cup of juice and hurried upstairs.

for the rest of the night, he took photobooth pictures on his macbook and watched stranger things on netflix before falling asleep with an empty plate of pretzels and a half cup of juice.

you know i feel really bad about throwing this on my homeboy ashton, but what would be a book by me without reoccurring drama??

and also i just realized that this book is coming to an end. like no lie there's only 9 chapters left. holy crap this book ended quick. just prepare for all the drama and clearing up !!

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