Chapter 7

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"You thinkthe truth is this big shinydisco ball of purity then go ahead and try It. See what it gets you. Telling the truth tothe wrong person at the wrong time is how I ended up where I did. Take it from me you're always better off with a really good lie."- Alison Dilaurentis

Chapter 8 the first secret lies in the past

Alice's POV (present day)

Dear Dairy

Today is the last dayI'mgoing write to you, and it's the first day I'm going to start telling the truth.

This was never I dairy, only an abridged version of the events created through my life. I wrote this for one reason; to give comfort and peace to the people I love. It started with my mum, she always worried for me, she read what I would write in here, what I wrote was often clichéd and satire, but she still believed I was getting over everything that happened.

But as I started writing more, I realised, subconsciously, that the dairy was a child and that I was an adult. You need things to grow up, experience and knowledge. I've had my fair of both. It shaped me in ways I didn't want to be shaped and created the way I view the world.

But this dairy is the last spec of my innocence, and it's fake. All of it, it was my kingdom, but now its crumbling.

I'll miss this feeling, but the can set you free, that's what someone told me today. In a letter, I can't say whom. But they were unfortunately right. They swore me to secrecy

But through all of this I keep wondering when she'll go, you and her are alike, the only difference being you're just a physical object and she's just a figment if my imagination. I hope she wont leave soon, I still need her.

But I feel her leaving; she's more vague and translucent. When she's gone I believe I will be a different but we'll just have to wait and find out.

I know someone will read this; I kind of want them to. These pages reveal more about me than know will ever know. I want to share that with someone who isn't just another part of me.

Bye forever dairy

Love always, Bella.

I glanced over to Bella who was still crying. I suddenly felt like crying too.


She didn't move.

"Bella, who wrote the note?"

"I can't tell you" she chocked " I can't trust you"


"I know your secret" she barely whispered.


I was not looking foreword to this, them coming over again. After today I really wanted to be alone.

I mean they were nice and all, especially Jacob, there's only so much youcan do when you're like me hanging out with someone like him.

I don't know why Charlie was so eager to have them over, I mean it was Thursday, shouldn't we be doing homework.

"Bella." Dad, it was a force of habit to call him Charlie, I always felt like mum was my really and he was just a close family friend, maybe a bit more than that but none of the less, it was still a habit I needed to break.

Charl- dad didn't even need totell me they were here, he had been talking about it all afternoon, if he was asking me to come down stairs then it was not to talk about the weather

I went downstairs, perfecting the art of procrastination by taking my time oneach individual step.

They were all standing there looking at me, it was sort of freaky in way.

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