Chapter Two

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Chapter 2 biology (well all know what happens in this chapter)

A/n: hee hee finding Nemo: D

This chapter I've put in an Edward POV, I'm just trying it out because I'm not the best at Edward POV. Some of you were wondering if there would be any bella/rose scenes, there are gonna be bunches and for all you Jacob lovers out there, He comes in very soon as well as Rachel and Rebecca (did anyone notice that her name is Rebecca Black? Lol)

Yeah I'm gonna shut up now before I say something stupid


Edward POV

"She's so amazing you have to meet her" Alice said for tenth time today. I've never seen Alice so thrilled about a kid, but I didn't surprise me. Alice usually gets excited when someone – even a six year old girl- agrees to go shopping with her. Someone would have shushed her by now if Rosalie wasn't show interested in the child.

"When do I meet her?" Rosalie asked.

I looked at the vision in Alice's thoughts * "are you all right?" Rosalie asked picking up a little girl who had just fallen over, it was outside the school and from the position of the sun you could tell it was mourning. The girl looked at Rosalie "Wow" she whispered under her breath staring at Rosalie with awe*

The glassy look vanished from Alice's eyes "Tomorrow before school" she said decisively.

The bell went then, almost blocking out the thoughts in my head, they sometimes blurred but never completely disappeared. I could hear my families' thoughts more dominantly because I've known them longer.

*A child! I wonder if she likes me! * Rosalie thought her thoughts were usually shallow.

Jasper kept deciphering every one moods, Jasper usually double checks everything around him. He likes to overcomplicate things making them seem bigger than they actually are. Emmett is and has always been a little arrogant in his thoughts. And Alice, well Alice was Alice.

*You meet her in biology!* her thoughts screamed repeatedly.

Once we'd disposed our "lunch" we headed of too class, I was the only one who had biology.

As soon as I took my seat the door creaked and a little girl with chocolate brown eyes and long mahogany coloured hair walked in the room. All the thoughts were centred on her.

*There she is!*

*Aww she's adorable*

*Look at her cute little eyes she's so cute!*

*I heard that in History she knew more than Alice Cullen!*

The child- Bella blushed and looked at her feet, which gave her a collective aww from the girls in the room. She rolled her eyes and handed a note up to the teacher.

"Ahh miss Swan, welcome to biology! I'm Mr Banner" Mr Banner said smiling.

"Hello" Bella said in a clear voice that wasn't like a normal child's voice, not as high. Humans wouldn't have detected it but it was there.

"I've seated you next to Edward Cullen" he said pointing me out to Bella "If need any help don't be afraid to ask me" she nodded then looked up at me; curiosity and surprise were etched into her intelligent eyes. As she walked over to our table I noticed something else.

Her mind was completely blank, like something was shielding it.

I focused hard, harder than I ever had before, to try and hear her thoughts. Maybe it was the hardest I'd tried because I've never had to try before.

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