chapter 44/Happy Birthday Niqo

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"November 23 2016 Wednesday "

"Jay house"

So today bae birthday and I'm so fucking happy but he probably want to hang with his friends but after that we probably going out to eat tomorrow so I got dressed and went to niqo house

v So today bae birthday and I'm so fucking happy but he probably want to hang with his friends but after that we probably going out to eat tomorrow so I got dressed and went to niqo house

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                   "Niqo house "
So I got there and rang the door bell and Ms. Heard answered it

Hey Ms. Heard where's the birthday boy "I said while walking in "

Oh he up stair "Ms . Heard said "

OK thanks "I said while walking up the stairs "

You welcome sweetie "Ms. Heard said"

So I walked upstairs and walked into niqo room and he was still sleep so I jump into the bed and started hitting him with the pillow

Wake up it's your birthday "I said while hitting him"

Ight I'm up, I'm up "Niqo said while getting up "

Wassup birthday boy "I said while getting out the bed "

Why you so happy "Niqo said while washing his face "

Because it's my bae birthday "I said while sitting on top of the counter top that's in the bath room "

So that's not a good thing because next year ima be 18 and I'm going to be graduating in 2018 and after I graduate I'm planing to move to Atlanta so yeah "Niqo said while looking at me "

Well ima worry about that later but what going to do on your birthday "I said while jumping off the counter "

Shidd me and Cameron, Alex, and Josh was planing to go ballen and then to the mall and my mom was planing to take us out to eat so look sexy for that

Boy whatever but have fun and don't forget who I'm am "I said while bought to walk out the door"

Wait can I get a kiss "Niqo said "

Yeah on my ass "I said while laughing and walking over to him and kissing him "

Bye bae "Niqo said while smacking my butt"

So I went down stairs and said bye to Ms. Heard

Ight I see you later Ms. Heard " I said while hugging her"

Ight I send you the address to the restaurant we eating at "Ms heard said "

Ight ttyl "I said while walking out the door"

Niqo /p.o.v
So I'm going to meet up with my home boys and we gone go ball then we gone go to the mall and then go to this restaurant to eat


So we done ballen and shopping so I'm getting dress to go to this restaurant with bae and the fam

                    "Jay house "

So I'm getting dressed to go on to this  restaurant with bae and his fam so I putted on my jumpsuit with my green heels and black lipstick yelp I'm showing out for bae so what 😘💚♐

vSo I'm getting dressed to go on to this  restaurant with bae and his fam so I putted on my jumpsuit with my green heels and black lipstick yelp I'm showing out for bae so what 😘💚♐

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So I went to bae house and she got the jumpsuit on and shit with the green heels, hair , and nails yelp y'all niggas need to get y'all a gurl that can do both

Wassup "Jay said while hugging me "

Nun , but I see you gurl trying to show out for your man on his birthday "Niqo said while spending me around "

You know what the deal is "I said while laughing and walking out side to the car"

So we walked to the car and I open the door for bae

Thanks bae "I said while getting into the car "

You welcome "Niqo said while getting into the car "

This the address bae "I said while giving him my phone "

So we ate had a great time we sang happy birthday to bae but now I'm tied so my black ass finna go soak in some Epsom salt and shit

vSo we ate had a great time we sang happy birthday to bae but now I'm tied so my black ass finna go soak in some Epsom salt and shit

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