(T'sB:2nd semester: 9) Fighting the great war...

Start from the beginning

She chuckles."I know sweetheart."

"Where are we? In this heaven or...purgatory?"

"No honey this is your mind."

"My mind?"

"Yes, well the deep dark web side of your head. Things you keep locked away or forget."

"You mean..?"

"Yes, the side you avoid."

"What are you doing here I don't lock you away do I?"

"No! Hon, I'm here to help you face the deep darkness."

"Mom I-"

"Don't you dare say I cant I raised you better than that what did you want to be when you got older?"

"A soldier?"

" no, when you were 5 what did you want to be?"

I was embarrassed to say it." a unicorn."

" and you were proud and not afraid to admit it no matter who told you that you couldn't be a unicorn even though it is very much impossible you wouldn't listen to them even stuck it to your teacher."

We chuckle.

"But before we get off track my point here is you weren't shaken by what teachers or kids said about your dreams until you were 8 and decided you wanted to be a soldier.you weren't afraid of their judgment and now is your time to not be shaken by the people of the past and even your self.what is a soldier?"

"Strong, brave, mighty and true."

She smiled."you're ready." She kissed my forehead and within a flash, I was in a dungeon.

There was a three-headed wolf with glowing yellow eyes and yellow teeth growling and very intimidating. At first, I was scared as it snarled and growled I fell to the floor,

I kept scooting till my back hit a door I twisted the door nob and crawled through the door. And slammed it.

"Oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness. What am I going to do?" I say to myself quietly that's when that thing was banging against the door barking and growling.

I get up and ran into another room to be confronted by a big black snake with red eyes.
I ran out of the room coming face to face with the three-headed wolf I ran into room after room only to be confronted by more beast and sometimes people of my past horrible people. Then I couldn't go through another room cause there were no rooms to go into and I felt cornered.

Strong, brave, mighty and true.

The phrase continued to repeat in my head until I looked beside me to see a sword:

The phrase continued to repeat in my head until I looked beside me to see a sword:

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