Bolt form the Blue

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'honey i'm home!' soonyoung boomed as he busted through the apartment's entrance, causing junhui to literally and actually jump off the couch after quiet the nap. he was staring at soonyoung, searching for who he thought would be coming home along with his roommate, but the boy seemed empty handed except for a two liter soda that was being carried like a pageant queens bouquet.

hesitantly, junhui asked, 'w-where's the guy?' soonyoung, who was now sitting across the couch from a startled junhui, finished off his gulp of soda with raised eyebrows, as if what he was about to say was of great importance. 'so i get there and I search all over, i mean, i'm asking everyone i can for this color-y haired boy, but, like, everyone i ask says they've never seen them a day in their life.' while soonyoung had a frustrated 'what gives' expression, junhui looked away and scratched his head. 'i could have sworn you told me you met him and you were gonna bring him home-- for God's sake soonyoung-- i was gonna have a heart attack!' he whined while grabbing  soonyoung and shaking him slightly. with a sigh soonyoung proclaimed, 'well, I suppose you're safe' he smirked an leaned closer to junhui. 'for now.'


minghao sighed as he checked the time on his phone. still, nothing had happened yet and he had work for another two hours. secretly, minghao hoped another crazy customer would come in, at least it would shock him enough to stay awake. as soon as he thought of that, he noticed the raindrops start to appear on the windows and a boom of thunder not too far away. his heart skipped a beat thinking about the last time it rained on the job. immediately, he tried to wipe that thought away- figuratively and literally as he smacked his head several times.

suddenly the entrance "ding" rang and minghao tried to look like he cared enough that he could keep his job. 'hey, super cool hair bro.' the new customer noted as soon as he glanced at minghao. in return he glanced at the customer and muttered a (slightly flattered) 'thanks'. like any usual customer would buy from a gas station at midnight, a few bags of chips and highly manufactured baked goods were placed on the counter. as if minghao would think ill of him the customer blurted, 't-these aren't for me, we ran out of snacks at home and my roommate is super afraid of storms.' with that minghao has heard too many stories that sound alike so he simply giggled and replied, 'i had a customer the other day that was so afraid of storms, he would crouch and scream every time there was thunder.'

the customer seemed a little weirded out for reasons minghao didn't understand, but he kept going with his story as he finished ringing up the items.

'so the light flickers while I'm checking him out and, you wouldn't believe it, the guy just jumps on me and holds me like a teddy bear for a few seconds!'

'oh m- it isn't-' 'sir are yo-' 'the rainbow haired boy junhui was talking about,' soonyoung's quick panic quickly grew into juvenile excitement.

'you're junhui's soul mate!'

(a/n) ok this time it's for real :)

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