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(a/n) almost ten years since i started this fanfiction and four since i last updated it. my life and the way i view the world, not to mention my writing style, have changed drastically. however, i was reading back on the last chapters and i realized i shouldn't give up on my writing. i don't remember how i wanted to end this, but hopefully as i write it'll come back to me

bag in hand, junhui gently opened the door to his apartment and sauntered in. 

'honey! darling! is that you?!' soonyoung called from the couch.

'the two bottles we have already weren't enough for you?' junhui mumbled. he knew better than to actively argue with soonyoung in this state. not because he was afraid of soonyoung; it was more like-

'junhuiiiii you ass roll up the window'  soonyoung slurred. when junhui offered to drive him home from the bar, it occurred to him that he'd never been around his classmate while intoxicated. 

'the windows are up, see?'  he knocked on the glass and  pulled on the tab. 

'i don't believe you' he pouted. 'hold on is this- this song is my fucking jam let's go!' he grew louder as he turned up the radio.

as he walked into the room he started to realize exactly how drunk soonoyung was.

'jesus dude you fucking reek.' junhui said as he turned the corner and handed the bottle to soonoyung.

'ohmygod!' soonyoung gasped for as much air as he could. 'what's wrong-' 'i didn't know they made grapefruit flavor!' 'oh.' 

'so did you run into your boyfrienddd?' soonyoung grabbed junhui's shoulder and started shaking him, much to junhui's annoyance. 

'i went to the liquor store, not the convenience store dummy.' junhui lied as he began to peel soonyoung off his bicep. 

'please darling! share this drink with me! for love!' soonyoung declared as if it were one of the most profound statements he's ever made. 

junhui considered it for a second. he's certainly had his fun with drinking— more than enough in fact. when you're in college, there's not much else to do except for, well, study, but there's a reason junhui never finished college. soonyoung held up a second empty shot glass that junhui did not recall seeing when he first got home. he clinked glasses with his roommate. bottoms up.

minghao was silently losing his mind. text after text he sent to mingyu.

minghao: bestie you will never believe what just happened

minghao: you whore once you finish your shift meet me at the playground again

minghao: wait when do you get off anyway?

minghao: babes its been like three hours i know the cafe is closed

did what just happen really just happen?  he needed to tell someone or have some proof that his experience was nothing short of noteworthy. he opened the twitter app and began composing a post, but before he published it, he felt some sort of embarrassment. what if the poor guy sees the post? today he was nice and actually kind of normal, what would he think of minghao? he deleted the aforementioned post and simply sent  'damnnn it's hella dead tonight' out into the ether. he sighed, put his phone down, and tried to subdue the longing he now found present within him.

the next morning, minghao awoke to several text messages from mingyu. 

mingyu: omg sorry i was busy lmao why are you so obsessed w me

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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