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'first, this guy comes in making a huge scene, he should feel lucky that I was the only one there, and then starts scream for like, no reason, and then comes up with all this junk food like he's some my little pony fan, which based on how he was acting, it wouldn't surprise me, and a light flickers a little for God's sake, and he treats me like I'm some kind of teddy bear-' minghao's lengthy rant was cut off by his closest friend mingyu starting to laugh like a seal. up until then, mingyu was quietly focused on this story about this possible "my little pony fan" and his extremely strange antics.

'i'm sorry, keep going, it's just, this guy must be really lonely to be hugging someone who was probably looking at him like this.' mingyu tried his hand at showing minghao his best death glare, which earned him a shove and a quiet "shut up".

'go on, what happened next?' 'right, so i push him off and ring up his stuff, that was all crushed and dirty from dropping it, and when he gives me his money, it's one of those balled up dollar bills." minghao paused to cringe a little. "and since he was out in the rain it was a little soggy." this time he gagged a tad.

'so i have to straighten it all out and make sure this isn't a five dollar bill or counterfeit, or whatever, but all of a sudden hes just like "keep the change" picks up all his stuff and leaves!' mingyu gasped and started clapping while minghao leaned back with his hands up and eyebrows raised as if to say 'i couldn't make it up if i tried'.

right after the customer had left the gas station and minghao had fully processed what had just happened (his shift hadn't ended yet, but no one had been coming in and he had to tell mingyu what he just encountered), he took out his phone and texted mingyu to meet him at the playground. mingyu loved hearing minghao's stories, in fact the reason minghao started working at somewhere as "high quality" as a gas station, was that mingyu knew some wild stuff happened there that he needed to hear about. At first minghao pleaded that mingyu should just get the job himself, but mingyu absolutely couldn't give up his job as a barista, not only did he get to mess up people's names and figure out how people who needed coffee at midnight acted, but there was this cute guy with dark eyes that started coming in and reading in the corner.

'what are you gonna do if you ever see him again?' minghao got snapped out of his gossiping mode for a moment. he hadn't really thought about it that much. a part of minghao hoped he'd see him again, God knows what he'd do, but he was quite curious about that customer.

at this point, minghao had been contemplating for too long and with a click of his tongue, mingyu inquired, 'you don't think he's cute, do you?' now that mingyu mentioned it, the customer wasn't bad looking, but minghao wasn't that shallow. 'this is me we're talking about, remember? at least I don't flirt with half my customers like someone i know.' he giggled with a mocking tone. mingyu dramatically gasped 'i stay loyal to mr. beanie, hey, if he hugged me out of the blue i would sing hallelujah.'

'you need to get yourself a man already.' 'i'm fine with my current situation, thank you.' minghao chuckled, and put his arm around mingyu. 'to be honest i'm fucking tired of hearing when this guy finishes his book and which one he starts, suck his dick already.' mingyu clenched his fist, took a deep breath and stood up. 'yeah! I'm gonna suck his dick!' 'suck his dick!' minghao yelled out of encouragement as mingyu punched the air and started to walk away.

it was minghao's turn to leave now. as he stood up, he thought about the customer, what exactly was it that wouldn't leave minghao's mind? it wouldn't be the first crazy thing to happen, after all, he worked late night at a gas station. but what exactly would minghao do if he ever saw junhui again?

Teddy Bear // JunhaoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ