Best Friends...Right?

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     Michelle's pov

   I avoided Amara and Lenora for the next few weeks. I still couldn't believe they didn't tell me...   I went to lunch, thinking everything was going to be ok for a little while, when I saw a blonde haired boy siting in my seat. I went over to him, trying to figure out why.

   " Excuse me, I always sit there."  I said trying to get him to move. He got up and faced me. He had light green eyes with shaggy blond hair. He towered over my skinny 5'3 frame with his 5'9 one. He had on a band t-shirt I didn't recognize with light blue jeans on to finish it off. I had to admit, he wasn't bad looking.

   " I'm sorry, I'm new here." He said kinda shaky.

   " Aren't we all" I said sitting down in my spot. He took the seat right across from me as Elizabeth sat down next to me.

   " So Michelle, I see you have meet Deven" Elizabeth said with a smirk on her face. I know that smirk, she must be up to something.

   " Nothing will ever happen sweet heart!" I said while pinching her cheeks. She swatted my hand away. Alarmingly Elizabeth and I have become very close in just a few short weeks. I hope this just means that we will stick together through this roller coaster that we call school.

   " You never know!" Said Deven. I hope Eli and him are not making up a plan to get us together or anything

   " Nothing will ever happen!" I said glaring at him.

   " So I transfer to chorus tomorrow. I'm super scared. Maybe a cute boy will like to sing as much as I do." I said to Elizabeth. She smiled at me, but I could see right through it.

   " I've never met a guy who likes to sing, so good luck with that." She said. 

   " Thanks for the faith Eli." i said sarcastic like. She just smiled and resumed to eat her food. We made small talk the rest of lunch, no one really wanted a full blown conversation. I did find out that Deven just moved here from Michigan. He loved to read and likes art. We parted ways and once language arts was over I went to the class I have been dreading all day.Math. After getting everything from my locker I went to math class in a daze,scared of what was to come. Once I got there, Amara looked at me with the same forgiving eyes she gives me every time she is trying to apologize. Should I forgive her... should I not...  I don't know... I sat down and listened to my teacher explain problem after problem trying to forget Amara's eyes that seemed to be burning s hole in my skull. Mr. Moore finished his rant about negative numbers  and passed out our homework.   I was finished with my homework and still had 30 minutes left. I decided to get out my favorite book The Giver  and read away. I had gotten about halfway down page 67 when a piece of paper was thrown onto my desk.

   Dear Michelle,

      I know, I know. It was wrong for be to not tell you about Lenora and I, but I thought that you would stop talking to me if you found out. So I thought not telling you was the best thing to do. Now that I'm writing this down it sounds very stupid... Ummmmm I just wanted to tell you that... I hope you can forgive me.

 From Amara

   I looked up and with a smile went back to my book. Once class was over Amara caught up to me.

   " So, did you get my note, becau..." She was suddenly interrupted by me grabbing her and hugging the crap out of her. She was stiff at first but she melted into the hug and hugged me back. Once we were apart Amara was in tears.

   " I'm sorry, I just didn't want to tell you and then you not like me because of it." Amara said in tears. Once we were all settled and calm I walked out to my car and jumped in.

   " How was your day?" My aunt asked. Fine I told her. She smiled and we left the school with peace of mind.

  Hey guys! This chapter is very bad, but I needed to make another chapter. It was not very long and so next chapter  I will be making it loooonnnnggggg! And bye the way guys I got into District Choir!! And I'm the only one from my school. That's weird right. Weird. Anyways, I hope you guys liked it. As always vote,comment, and if you like what I write go ahead and follow me. until next chapter. Bye my puppies, love ya!

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