Chapter 2: Villains and Heros

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You were walking home and it was a dark night with only street lamps on, lighting some of the darkness that surrounded you. You had kept your hood up, because it's what you always did, and soon you crossed the city street walking by some buildings. You walked by an empty alley, till you herd a can being moved by something. Stepping into the alley about half way down it, you saw a cat. "Damn cats.... always doing that" you said as your heart calmed itself down. You turned around beginning to walk back when someone or something had grabbed you pulling you back and into the alley.

You looked around seeing what seemed to be three different men standing in front of you. One with slick black hair, dark brown eyes, and dark purple streaks of makeup or something down his cheeks and gages in his ears, another that was popular amongst the fans, he had black and blood red hair, red eyes and a black t-shirt on, the final one was a little popular amongst fans, he had brown and dark green hair, and dark blue eyes. You knew two of them, from the internet, and the third looked familiar, as if from a music video.

Your eyes widened at the 5'7 male and the other two 5'10 males. "So who gets her?" asked the green haired one "I do" said the one with blood hair "Hah! Funny, I get her, bitches" said the 5'7 male. The other two looked at him as if not even amused "No" they said at once. You saw they were distracted while arguing, so you decided to make a dash for the end of the alley. Nope, did not last that long, soon you were back with the three males. They shook their heads "Yeah, ye get her, I just get the fun of the chase"said the green haired one "Yeah, the chase is more interesting. But so is a small punishment" added the blood red haired male. 

"True true. But why not? How about, all three of us tech the girl something about messing with us?" asked the other one. "...uh..." you stampered "Oh right, forgive me Y/N. Names NateMare, and you probably have herd of my friends here, Darkipler and Antiseptic" said NateMare. "Dark for short" added Dark "And Anti for short" added Anti. You were shocked at how they knew your name, but then again, they were FUCKING DEMONS!! 

You soon were interupted from your thought when you were smacked into a wall. You fell at the bottom of the wall. Another shot hit your leg and upper ankle. It burned a lot. You whimpered in pain. The three chuckled at your whimper. Again they hit and hit and hit. The one called NateMare had broken your leg and the named Dark and Anti had broken your upper and lower ankle. Leaving you with cuts and bruises with a broken ankle and leg. They all disappeared out of sight as you lay there on the cold hard ground in pain. 

Hours later you slightly opened your eyes to Nate, Mark and Jack over you. Nate had kneeled down trying to get you to wake up. You faintly herd them, and had blurry vision from the blows you took hours ago. You herd Mark calling 911 and minutes later you were airlifted to the hospital.

Waking up about a week or two later you were laying in the hospital bed, you tried to move but were gently pushed down by Nate, who was right by you the whole time. "No, don't get up" he said in a kind voice. You groaned in pain and winced at the same "I'll go get the doctor, to check up on you" he said as he got up walking out. 

Minutes later he returned with Dr. Shawn, "Finally up?" asked Dr. Shawn, you nodded. "I was told that you were feeling much pain" he said, "y-yeah..." you winced "I can get you prescribed to some really high anti-pain meds" he added. "ok" you said. "H-how long was I out...?" you asked "a couple of weeks, Nate here never left your side... his friends and him took turns to be here at your side" added Dr. Shawn. 

Minutes later he walked out, then walked back in with a bottle of high and strong anti-pain meds. "Do you have a driver Y/N?" asked Dr. Shawn "N-" you were cut off by Nate "I can drive her back home" Nate said "Alright, I'll have you help me get her onto some crutches and then you are out of here" he said as he walked out for a pair of crutches. Coming back a few minutes later, Dr. Shawn and Nate helped you up from the hospital bed and onto the crutches. It hurt like hell, to say the least, to even sit up. But you could fight that to get up.

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