Chapter 11

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I've sat on the edge of my bed for long minutes, being unable to find out what to do with German and what to say to Violetta and the others once they asked what happened with me, but one thing was sure.

And that's the fact that I was tired, I needed a shower, not to mention I was also starving...

- Fucking hell...

I decided to go and get a hot shower which felt amazing, after freezing outside last night.

Afterwards I went to check the closet and I was surprised to see it had clothes that were pretty much my style and they were perfect fit too.

Once I got changed I heard a knock that made me jump, but soon I relaxed when I heard Ramallo's voice, saying:

- I got you some dinner!

I was more than happy to hear that and I immediately pulled him inside to have food and also to talk to him and find more things out...

- Ramallo... Do you know what does German do outside with the people? - I asked him.

- I do... - he sighed in response - But there's nothing we can do about it... He does that and he protects his family and people...

- And since how long has he been a psychopath?

- What?

- Have you seen anything... ANYTHING... that he has done...? The way he kills? The way he enjoys doing that?

- Angie...

- He killed my friends... with so much joy on his eyes... that I don't know if he can even be trusted anymore... Not to mention he took my other friend, beat him up and now locked him up and hell knows what he's up to do with him...

- Angie!

- What?!

- Please... Don't do anything stupid...

He sighed.

- German has changed. Yes... But he isn't a different person. He still is the same person, who has been desperate to find you, Angie...

- And killing anyone that has been in his way?

- I don't know... But give him... a chance...

- Hell if I do! He killed them...

Ramallo sighed deeply.

- I don't know what else to say other then try to bear all this and be nice to him... - he said - Please...

I didn't say anything.

I just sat there, in silence as he left the room and me alone in it.

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