Chapter 43

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German's POV:

Even though I said I'll be waiting in the car I couldn't sit still and instead decided to take a walk inside Alexandria, leaving Lucille in the car, but still having a gun on me... You know... Just in case if someone wants to be brave here and attack me.

But surprisingly enough I found myself in front of Michonne, who was looking suspiciously at me as I walked past her and once I did she said:

- Have you gotten your shit together for the sake of your love, German?


I should've known if Angie told Daryl about the real me then she must've told them too.

It was still shocking to hear though.

- What did you say? - I asked as I turned to face her - Did she tell you?

- She did.

- I see. And what do you want from me exactly?

- To get your shit together.

- You're brave for talking to me like that...

- You're not gonna do anything as long as Angie's here too - she said as she stepped closer to me - So you might as well gonna stay here and listen to what I need to say.

- I'm listening.

She stepped just a little closer to me.

- You're a fucking asshole for making her feel awful... When in reality I'm pretty sure you love her too...

- How are you---

- Doesn't matter how I know... But you do not treat people you love the way you've been treating Angie and making her feel bad for things that you've done. You need to be more responsible for what you're doing and...

- What more is there?

- Women.

- What?

- You have more than one women in your life.

- Yes. And?

- Seriously?

- What?

- You're an idiot if you think she'll be fine with that.

- What do you want me to do? Throw them out?

Actually that's a good idea to do with Jade, but it's gonna be a huge issue again... You know why...

- That and to not to threat her friends with killing them if they don't do what you want them to do.

As much as I wanted to talk back... I just couldn't.

I couldn't because I knew she was right.

- You know what you have to do... So do it and stop acting like a victim!

Oh wow...

This woman has been killing me with only her eyes every time we met and this did not change now either.

Now she's using words.

Useful, true words.

- Hey!

Angie suddenly called for me.

- Huh? Ready to go?

- Yes!

Michonne looked at me and her eyes were basically saying "Silence, or you'll die" so I didn't say anything to Angie about our conversation as we left Alexandria and went back to The Sanctuary.

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