2. Partner in Crime

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Blaze finally got home from the date, she wasn't even good, but it did keep him busy.

I waved goodbye to Jace and Clary. I decided that even though Clary seemed far nicer, I liked Jace better. I yawned before announcing I was going to bed. Magnus and Alex were giving each other weird looks so I turned in for the night. I quickly changed into my night clothes and fell onto my bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.



The next morning was quite eventful. Blaze woke up from a very detailed dream of him and the girl from last night.

I woke up and stretched, completely refreshed. I fingered the dream catcher my mom had made me and smiled. I went to my bedroom and showered. I didn't believe in wasting time. Dad had drilled into my head that not being prepared could mean death. And being a shadow hunter, it was doubly true for me.

Blaze groaned and sat up heading to take a nice, long, cold shower to...settle doewn a bit.

I stepped out and dried off and got dressed. I walked into the living room to find a note from Alex, “Magnus never likes waking up before noon, so just come to the Institute and we can see where you are in training – Alex.” I grinned. This was one of my favorite parts of being a shadow hunter: training. I grabbed my new phone and headed out with the note which had instructions on how to get there.

“Hunny! You better get your butt down here, you're going to be late teaching Rihanni to train!” Blaze heard his mom call. Scowling he hopped in to the portal to teleport him there.

I found my way to the institute and walked inside. I looked around the unfamiliar halls and wondered where the heck Alex was.

Blaze transported to the institute and saw Rihanni, her back to him, looking around. He snuck up behind her and whispered in her ear, “I had a dream about you last night...”

I jumped and whirled around to face him stepping away, “Me?! That's disturbing! I only met you yesterday.” I scoffed. He scared the hell out of me.

He smirked, “You didn't ask what kind of dream it was...”

I blanched, “I have a feeling I don't want to know.”

He leaned in closer, “You know you wanna...don't you have a single drop of curiosity somewhere in that hot body of yours?”

“I have curiosity, it just isn't perverted like yours.” I said sarcastically, “Now where is Alex? He's supposed to train me.”

He gave her a smile and put his hand on his heart, “I think that's the nicest thing I've heard you say to me...” He went back to his regular self and told her, “What are you talking about though? I AM your trainer.”

I glanced at him, “Ha, ha, very funny. Now you just need your guy to come yell 'punked'.” I told him, “But seriously where is the training area.”

City of All Things Evil (The Mortal Instruments Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora