New Acquaintances

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  I get into a cab, and get driven to the NASA headquarters.  I show up, and walked through the doors.  A man in a white lab apron leads me through a door that I have never seen before.  There are five other people in the room, and I only know one of them.  That one person that I know is Mr. Nostra.  Mr. Nostra asks us to introduce ourselves, and just tell the basic information, like name, age, and our current job.  I take a step forward, and start.  “My name is Molly Bronken, I am 28, and I am an aerospace engineer.”  Next, a girl in the back who is a little shorter than me starts talking.  She talks quietly, and pushes her short brown hair out of her face while she speaks.  “My name is Ava Drowy, I am 32 years old, and an astrophysicist.  The next person who talks is a guy who is a little older.  “I am Jim Uven, I am 46, and I am an aeronautics engineer.  Next is a small man, maybe five foot six. “Hello,” he says, “My name is Nick Frow, and I am also an aeronautics engineer.  Last to go is a medium sized girl, a little taller than me.  She pushes her flowing black hair out of her eyes and says, “My name is Olivia Jenkin, I am 39 and an astrophysicist.  She steps back to her spot, and Mr. Nostra talks.  “Hello everyone, you have all been chosen to participate in Mission Zero.  You will be taking Mike Sherling and his men to the new jail that was made on the moon.  We know that working with wanted men is not what you usually do, but you are the people who know the most about the moon.  You will not be taking any samples from the moon, because this is strictly business and you will be on a schedule, but this is a great experience and we think that you will be perfect for it.   Now these people are murderers and they cannot be trusted.  You will not be able to handle them on your own, so you will be joined by five FBI agents.  They are instructed to keep you safe and nothing more.  I will introduce you to them now, and they will get assigned to their people.”  The door opens, and people file in.

“First, is John Shavel, he is 32 years old.”  A tall man walks in.  He is at least six foot three, and is built like an ox.  John walks past us, and shakes our hands.  “John,” Mr. Nostra says, “You will be in charge of keeping Jim safe.”  John says yes sir, and walks over to Jim, and stands behind him silently.  Mr. Nostra starts to talk again, and introduces us to the next member of our team.  “Next, is Lucas Brose, he is 35 years old.”  Lucas walks over, and we get a good look at him.  He is around six feet tall, and has dark skin, and eyes.  He walks down the line, and shakes all of our hands, while giving a friendly nod in John’s direction.  “Lucas,” Mr. Nostra says, “You will be in charge of Nick.”  Lucas nods and goes to stand beside Nick.  Mr. Nostra clears his throat and continues on with the list.  “Our next agent is Ally Groven.  She is 35 years old.  A tall girl with orange hair walks in. She is about five foot eight, and mean looking.  She walks down the line, and fist bumps all of us.  We are informed that Ally will be in charge of Olivia, and Ally went to stand behind her.  We are then introduced to a man named Alex.  Alex is 33, and five foot eleven.  He walks down the line at a quick pace, and shakes all of our hands.  He looks me in the eyes, as he walks by, and I see his beautiful blue eyes.  He grins at me, and stands in front of Mr. Nostra, waiting for his orders.  I hear Mr. Nostra say that Alex is in charge of me, and I grin.  I know that Alex will be doing the least amount of work of all of the agents.  I know how to take care of myself, so he will have it pretty easy.  Alex looks pleased, and walks behind me.  The last person who will be on the team walks in before he can be introduced to us.  But from the moment I lay eyes on him I know that I will need no introduction, because I know him.  The last member of our team is Mark.  Mr. Nostra quickly introduces him, and he walks down the row, shaking our hands.  I tense up as he comes closer, and do not return the gesture when he puts his hand out for me to shake.  He leans in closer, and closer, until his hand is about a foot from my face.  Alex then reached forwards, and grabbed onto Mark’s arm.  He twists his arm, and pulls, forcing Mark off of his feet.  Mark lands hard on the ground by Mr. Nostra, and quickly gets up.  He nods to Mr. Nostra, and walks over to the only person without an agent behind them, and that person is Ava.

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