Chapter 11: No More

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A/N: I'm back everyone (dies slowly inside), and with a new chapter! I know that I haven't updated since a little over month ago, and it's now spring break for me here! After you read the chapter, another note will be below it. Have fun!

*Two Days Later*
*Hanzo's POV*

It's been a while since I've helped that woman, in the process I found out that she was (Y/N)'s grandmother. I was very surprised, but that isn't important now. (Y/N) has disappeared and there was no scent to follow. I have a hunch that the Hunter is to blame, seeing as the hunter already took out my brother to break me. He now has (Y/N)... seeing if I'll break completely. I won't break, especially for that girl. She is the cause of all this mess, getting my own brother killed. Growling as I hold my head, pain shot through it. 'You can't just let her stay captive forever. Save (Y/N) and kill the hunter. By doing this, you'll be able to control (Y/N), or better yet, kill her as well.' The voice inside my head said quietly.

I gleamed a little before talking. "As much as I would lovw to kill her, I'd rather just watch her die instead by the Hunters hand." 'But what's the fun in that? I figured you'd like to kill your prey, not let someone else do it. I know your inner wolf wants this, to see her trembling at your paws, screaming out for help before you rip her apart... don't you want that? To feel alive again? To feel the best part of being a wolf again?' The voice chuckled as I stay silent.I do want to kill (Y/N), but something is holding me back. My inner wolf agrees with the voice, yet my human self is against... What is happening to me?

I shot up with my heart racing, my mind in a panick mode. Realizing that just sitting here doing nothing will save (Y/N). "I have to save her... but how? I don't have (Y/N)'s scent nor know where that damn Hunter took her..." I say softly before walking out of my cabin and looked around. 'I see you're actaully looking for her... have you finally broken? You're going to risk your life by saving that girl? What a shame...' "Shut up, at least I'm trying. I know that Genji was in love with her, I'm only doing it for his sake." 'But she's the reason why Genji is dead... remember?' "I know, but didn't you tell me that I should go save her in the first place? Why don't you make up your mind?"

'How can I if I'm your inner thoughts?' I stopped in my tracks, holding my head. "Just shut up already." I shiver a bit as I changed into my wolf form. A gust of freezing air hit me, making the cold seep through my fur and into my bones. Having only a few options in places to check, I head to the west for the Sojin river. Around that area I know lies a few hiding spots that could easily be found by only a wolf, but having a feeling that the Hunter will play it safe, he'll hide her somewhere difficult. The rushing sound of water reached my ears as I grew closer to the river. Meeting the river I catch a scent, but it's very faint. "It's the (Y/N)... Don't worry (Y/N), I'm coming." I said to myself before sprinting beside the river.

*Hunter's POV*

That wolf is coming, I can feel my heart racing when any prey come close. Looking at the girl, she was glaring up at me. "Well darlin, your 'master' seems to actaully coming to save you. For a moment there, I thought he'd let you die here by my hands. Guess not...." I chuckled as she tried to scream at me, but the cloth covering her mouth was muffling her words. "What was that darlin? I couldn't quiet hear you." I said while putting my hand against my ear. Her responds was only a growl of annoyance. Smirking I feel the wolf's presences coming closer and growing more stronger. I grab the girl by the shirt and lift her up. "Show time darling, our guest is about to arrive in just moments away..." I turn her around and press her against my chest with a gun in hand. 'Now... that wolf is going to kneel to me... just like in the past.'

*Hanzo's POV*

The scent was stronger then before. I could just taste the fear (Y/N) was feeling, and it was like no other fear. Sprinting faster I easily spot the mine that the river was flowing out of and stand at the edge. My eyes glowed a faint gold, I was in the right spot. Running inside the mines I dodge the fallen debris that blocked my way. I stopped when I heard a voice calling out. "I can feel your presences wolf... come to get your damsel in distress?" The hunters voice echoed throughout the mine. Howling in a challenging way, movement was caught in the corner of my eyes. They weren't human, they were some demon like creatures.

They were hissing and clawing at me as they grew closer to me. Growling I attack the creatures surrounding me, taking them down one by one. Finishing off the creatues I was left with small wounds littering all over my body. Blood started to drip on to the ground as I growled. I could feel the hunter drawing towards me, but with (Y/N) in his grasp, trembling. Turning around I glared at the hunter in disgust. "Well wolf? What are you going to do? Because I got a few options for ya... If you'd like to hear?" The hunter grinned sinisterly at me. I stand my ground as my ears flatten back in anger. "Here are my options wolf... option A: I let the girl go and you die, option B: I kill the girl and you still die either way... or option C, which I know you'll surely love.... is for you to given in... and crawl back to your master, like the dog you are. I'll make the girl forget about everything that happened..." the hunter said, making my eyes widen.

(Y/N) looked at me in shock and confusion as she tried to get out of his grip. 'What am I going to do? I can't choose between letting the girl live and me to die... yet I can't let her live either...' 'But she killed your own blood! (Y/N) caused Genjis death! You can't let the hunter kill her, you have to be the one! There's no fun when someone else kills the prey!' 'Shut up, (Y/N) is not my prey! I know that she killed Genji, but she must've had a reason, mostly with the hunter threatening to kill her... yet at the same time I want her end...' My thoughts were disturbed with a click of a gun. "Well Hanzo... what's your choice?" A glint in McCree's eyes made my vision and thoughts become cloudy. 'I know what to do... I know my option now...'

A/N: If you're reading this then I'm surprised greatly. I figured people would've left due to my long absences... and my personal life isn't going so well. Sadly my grades in school haven't improved enough... and stress is going throughout my days like crazy because of it. I wanted to wait until I improved, but seeing as how many people are getting impatient with me not updating, I had no choice update now and make you all happy. I love making this story and all, yet it's sometimes hard to do this with trying to impress everyone and making them happy. I just feel like it's going the opposite way since I've returned... hopefully you guys will forgive me from not updating in a while and if the chapter is off tracks from the story, being gone for a long time makes me forget what I'm actaully supposed to do in these chapters... And if the chapter is off topic and short, then I'm useless for not doing this right... I'll try to update Chapter 12 soon, but I don't know when... Anyway, that's all for now. I'll see you guys later in the next chapter. See ya...

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