Chapter 5: A Man Named Hanzo?

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm happy to be back! I decided to not wait any longer because of what I have, so here you go. Also... there is another note below asking of a question for everyone. So enjoy the chapter!

*(Y/N)'s POV*

My breath hitched as the man spoke, I couldn't think or move. "Miss... you don't have to be afraid... the wolf is gone now, you're safe." He said as voiced softened. "Are... are you sure? How do you know Genji?" I questioned cautiously, nearing the small entrance.

The man shuffled, he seemed nervous of speaking yet had a steady breath. "Its a long story... you wouldn't understand... for now, it's best for you to go home." "Can I at least know your name or something? I don't even know who you are." "Curious I see... my name, well is Hanzo."

"Hanzo? That doesnt sound like a normal name..." "You think everything is normal? That's a lie, everything you see or hear is an allusion." Hanzo chuckled as he stepped aside, holding out his hand. I took his hand as I came out of the little opening, feeling a little exemption from Genji being gone.

My small hands felt cold and fragile compared with his which was warm and tough, yet gentle at the same time. "May I know your name miss? Seeing that I have already told you mine." "Its (Y/N)..." "A unique name you have (Y/N), such beautiful requires a name like yours." Hanzo voice being like fine wine, he kissed my hand gently.

I was to shocked to say anything as Hanzo perked his head up and looked behind him. He mubbled a few words as his grip tightened a little. "We must go... it is not safe out here for you. I shall guide you back to safety... coming to the woods was a terrible mistake."

"Why? What do you mea-" a gunshot was heard in the distances. I turned my head quickly towards the sound, my heart started to race. I yelped when Hanzo picked me up bride style, like I weighed nothing. Then everything seemed to be a blur as my world around me turned into a black void.

*Hanzo's POV*

They were drawing near... I needed to get (Y/N) home or somewhere safe. I can't let her get involved with my problems. I panted heavily as my keen hearing heard the gunshots fade away, making my tense body calm a little. Looking at (Y/N), I find her passed out looking peaceful.

Shaking my head I continue to run through the forest, reaching my home. I sigh in relief as Genji wasn't to been seen anywhere close by. Entering the cabin I head to my room, gently placing (Y/N) on the bed. Taking her shoes off and covering her body up, hoping that (Y/N) wouldn't get sick.

'I should start a fire... that would help her, I'm only afraid that Genji will come back soon and take advantage of her...' clouded thoughts went away as I entered the living room and grabbed some firewood, playing them within the fireplace. Lighting it up, flames of orange and red brighten up the atmosphere.

Taking off my fur coat, I sit next to the fire, watching it carefully. Crackles, pops, and hisses could be heard. Closing my eyes, I let my senses take control. A blue arua made the outlines of objects around me, going past everything thing to see Genjis green arua little ways from home. Genji stopped, looking back with a whimper before quickly crouching down, hiding underneath a rotting tree.

Heavy footsteps against the ground made the blue arua waver, a huff on annoyance could be heard. "Where the hell did they go? I know I was one of them... damnit... I'll get them soon." A rough scratchy voice echoed as Genji's ears flattened in fear. A dark red arua appeared, but disappeared quickly like a flash.

Genji peeked out cautiously and sniffed around. I open my eyes as a shuffle was heard and quickly looked towards the sound. (Y/N) stood quietly at the doorway watching me with curious yet scared eyes. "You're awake, did you rest well? Do you need anything?" I questioned her as I arose from my position.

"I wish to go home... where am I? How did I get here?" "I carried you here when you passed out. Please do not worry, you shall return home soon." Her movements seemed to be uneasy. (Y/N) didn't trust me yet, but for now she has to if she wishes to return home unharmed. "Fine... but I want to go home now. I don't want my grandmother to become worried about me." (Y/N) said, looking away from me.

I was going to speak, but the door opened quickly and shut. Genji was panting like a he had ran a marathon, fear within his eyes. (Y/N) backed up in fear as Genji slid down to the ground, trying to catch his breath. "Are you alright Genji?" "Yeah, I'm fine, it's not like I was running for my life! That bastard almost got me!" Genji snarled as he glared at me before looking towards (Y/N).

His eyes flashed, but didn't move. "Why is she here? I thought you took her home?" "What do you think, I was trying to hiding her away from the guy. I could hear his gunshots close by leaving me no choice, but to bring her here." I sigh as helped Genji up.

He shrugged me off before entering his room, not even speaking to (Y/N). "You're his brother..." she said quietly under her breath, but could easily be heard. My eyes flashed for a moment before looking away from her. "Yes... Genji is my younger brother..." "Does that mea-" "Yes, that means I'm just like him." I snapped at her, causing her to flinch in fear. Rubbing my head, I sigh in annoyance.

Grabbing my fur coat, I look towards her. "Hurry up... nights approaching fast. I wish not to waste time." (Y/N) looked shocked before rushing to put her shoes on and by my side. Walking outside, the cold harsh wind blew causing my eyes to glow a little. My inner wolf wanted to be free, but my first priority is to get (Y/N) home. I'll deal with my wolfself later.


Hey guys, I'm back with making the story! But something seemed to have appeared and now I'm starting to question it. To tell you the truth... I read a comment saying that my writing style changed and that my story became less appealing... so I want the truth from you all. Has my story really changed? Did it become worse after Chapter 2? Does it seem less like a fairytale? I really need answers from you guys, I don't like being kept in the dark about my story. I want my story to be somewhat okay or even better. It... it makes me feel like I'm making a mistake on this story and I had really hoped that it wouldn't come to this. I normally never get told off for my writing style or how I create my stories. The thought of it makes me feel uncomfortable about it... I might get rid of the story if more comments arise. I hate to wasted everyone's time with my terrible writing/story... I only wanted to have fun, but it seemed like they didn't want that. Should I just give up on trying to have fun making the story and go professional (which might never happen since I'm hopeless) or keep up with what I'm going for? Because I love making this story, but if people are against it then I'll simply get rid of it. Don't worry, I'm going to think about it once this chapter is up... but if I do end up deleting the story then I'm truly sorry. I'll most likely leave a 'Final Authors Note' on the story for at least a week before getting rid of the story. I guess this is what happens when you try to have fun...



Run Little Red (Wolf Hanzo x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora