Chapter 10: Master On A Wild Goose Chase

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*Three Days Later*
*McCree/Hunter's POV*

I was sitting up in a tree, watching the wolf and the girl. I've been keeping a close eye on them since I killed the younger wolf, and now this wolf seems to be more cautious, but not cautious enough. He seems to be more distracted on the girl, giving her pointless task around the forest. 'Poor kid, warned her about this happening... guess she didn't take my advice.' I thought before checking my pocket watch. It's almost 7 pm... night fall is coming soon. 'I'll have to make sure that my plan doesn't get ruined. I know how to get the wolf to snap...' I smirked at the plan forming in my mind.

*Hanzo's POV*

This girl is to childish, yet she can at least listen to my orders. But She complains to much... god, I'm surprised that I haven't turned wolf yet. "Hanzo, I don't know why you are making me do this." "Its master, and making lunch is what a slave is supposed to do. Unless you rather start a garden and work out in the hot sun?" I said, receiving a sigh from her. Sipping some tea I go back to reading my book, no really caring about my surroundings. I could hear (Y/N) move around quietly in the kitchen and stop once in a while. A sudden presence caught my attention as my eyes changed to gold. 'Intruder... they must be here to take me out or... I can't let (Y/N) interfere anymore, I'll have to lead them away.'

I stood up and went to the front door opening it. "(Y/N), I'll be back soon. Do not leave this place, do I make myself clear?" "Why? Something go-" "Just stay, here." I cut her off before locking the door behind me and changed form. The wind flowed through my fur as I ran towards the sudden presence. It disappeared once I arrived making me growl. 'Damnit, where did it go?' I sniffed the ground, trying to catch any scent. It was faint, but I started to follow the scent. Nothing seemed off in the forest, but I soon found myself infront of a little old home. The front door was bashed in and in pieces, I could smell blood coming from inside... along with my brothers scent.

'I guess that explains where Genji went back then... but why?' I thought as crept through the doorway. Once inside I scanned the area for enemies. Knowing that the place was clear I searched the home and entering each room with caution. The scent of blood became stronger as I reached the last room. It was slightly open, so I pushed it to find an old lady on the ground. 'Poor woman... who could've done this to her?' I thought before going to her and checking. To my surprise, she was still alive barely. I changed back into my human form and picked her up. "I should take her the hospital. Hopefully (Y/N) doesn't get into any trouble while I'm gone." I sigh before start my journey to the hospital.

*One Hour Later*
*(Y/N)'s POV*

Hanzo has been gone for a while now, I don't know whats going on with him. I sigh as I sit quietly in the living room, watching the fire. "This is stupid... I should go and run away from Hanzo to my grandmother..." I say to myself. A sound of footsteps could be heard outside, making me frezze. 'Is he finally back?' I was about to get up, but the door bursted open and made the fire go out, leaving me in darkness. The moonlight outside showed the outlines of a large figure with a cowboy hat. I stepped back, knowing it was the hunter. "Mc-McCree?" I asked nervously. "Lets make this easy now (Y/N)... you can either come with quietly or I could knock you out?"

"W-What? Wh-Where i-i-is Ha-Hanzo?" "I sent him on a wild goose chase. Sorry I had to use your grandmother to do so, but oh well. Now, come long." McCree roughly grabbed my arm and was trying to lead me out the door. I pulled myself away from him quickly, glaring at him. "What did you do to my grandmother? Tell me!" "God, you are troublesome. All I did was knock her out and used some of her blood to lead that mutt away from here." "YOU DID WHAT!?! HOW COULD YOU, SHE DID NOTHING TO YOU!" "You better shut your damn mouth girly, before I shut it for you. Your grandmother is still alive, I said I don't kill humans. Only wolves, if we was a wolf then she'd be dead." McCree huffed in annoyance as he came towards me.

I tried to stay far away from him as possible, but McCree grabbed me. I tried to escape from his grip again, but he put more pressure against my arms and body. "You better calm down, you're starting to get on my nerves." McCree growled as he picked me up only to get headbutted in the face. He dropped me on the floor and pinned me down, I could see blood coming out of his nose as he glared down at me. "You've just made a bad choice darlin. I'm going to make you pay." "And what are you g-" my heart stopped when I felt something warm against my lips. McCree was kissing me and I felt a sharp pain to my head before everything went dark. I could hear McCree a little before going dark. "Finally, I don't have to hear her bitching now. I should've just knocked her from the beginning."

Run Little Red (Wolf Hanzo x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora