Imagine 7: Protect Her/part 2

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Y/N = Your Name

Daryl's POV
It's been bout' two weeks since I stayed with Y/N that night, an' I can't seem to get er' out of my head. There's somethin' about her, an' I don't know what it is, she's just so different from anyone I've ever met, an' I know she's hiding somethin' and I'm gonna find out what it is; I wanna' know her.
"Hey Daryl."
"Oh, hey Aaron." I chucked the oil stained rag onto the tool box, standing up to face Aaron, my knees cracking as I stood. "What can I do for ya?"
"Just coming to let you know about the meeting tonight at 6."
I grunted out an 'okay', turning back around to face my bike, ready to end the conversation until a thought came to mind; I quickly turned back around.
"Hey Aaron, can I ask ya' something?"
"Yeah sure what's up?"
I scratched the back of my neck, nervously. Not too sure how ta' start.
"It's about Y/N..."
Aaron nodded, a small smirk on his lips. "What about her?"
I rolled my eyes at his suggestive look.
"What happened to her?"
Aaron's smirk quickly faded and was replaced by a sad look. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I don't know what happened to her out there. But... when I found her, she was so busted up... I didn't think she was going to make it."
He paused, leaning against the shed wall, a distant look on his face. "She was unconscious for about two weeks, there was a time I thought she wouldn't wake up... when she did, she was terrified, she didn't come out of her room for two months. But I didn't give up on her, I wanted to help her."
I nodded, signalling for him to continue.
"And one day, I guess I earned her trust. But she was always so quite and... child-like? I know it's a common reaction to sever trauma, to recoil into a childlike mentality. I don't know what really happened to her Daryl, and honestly I don't want to know."

I nodded, and he said his goodbyes, walking back towards his house where Y/N was no doubt waiting, probably making food or cleaning, humming to herself the way she does.

Everything he said was swirling through ma' mind, clouding up every thought. That poor, sweet girl.
Third Person POV
The rest of the day was spent in normalcy, at least it was for everyone else. But for Daryl Dixon it was spent worrying, worrying about a peculiar girl, with a sweet voice and sparkling eyes.

Daryl was walking to his house when he heard it, the familiar, sweet melody drifting through the wind.
Y/N was sitting on the steps of her front porch, right hand running furiously across the piece of paper in her lap, singing an unfamiliar song that drifted to Daryl, almost pulling him towards her.

"Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face-
the kind you'd find on someone I could save-
if they don't put me away,
well it'd be a miracle."

Her voice was soft and quite and made Daryl's heart swell. He soon came to stand in front of her, she was scribbling the scenery, the houses, the people. Daryl admired her work, deciding to sit with her. He loved when she was like this, not a care in the world, doing what she loved, signing in that beautiful voice and spilling her feelings onto paper.
Y/N looked up at Daryl briefly, pencil never once stopping its fluid movements, her voice unwavering, she gave Daryl a small smile, blush creeping onto her cheeks, he returned the gesture, averting his eyes down to her art work while her sweet song flooded his ears.

"Do you believe you're missing out?
That everything good is happening somewhere else?
But with nobody in your bed,
the nights hard to get through.

And I, will die all alone.
And when I arrive, I won't know anyone.

Well Jesus Christ I'm alone again,
so what did you do those three days you were dead?
Cause' this problems going to last more than the weekend.

Well Jesus Christ I'm not scared to die,
I'm a little bit scared of what comes after.
Do I get the gold chariot?
Do I float through the ceiling?"

Daryl watched her as she sang, as she drew.
He watched the way her brow furrowed as she was penciling in small details.
He watched as she glanced up from the paper to get a quick look at her surroundings.
He watched the different emotions that passed though her face as she sang certain parts of her song. And he listened as her voice held so much emotion. He had never heard this song before, but it must mean something to her. It sounded like it might mean something to him, he found himself drinking up they lyrics like whisky.

"Do I divide and fall apart?
Cause' my bright, is to slight to hold back all my dark.
And the ship went down in sight of land.
And at the gates, does Thomas ask to see my hands?"

Her singing faded into humming and her pencil slowed on the paper, soon coming to a complete stop.
She sighed contently, looking at her new masterpiece with pride.
Daryl reached over carefully, Y/N happily handing over the paper. Daryl admired the art, so precisely drawn, like a black and white photograph.

The houses lined up perfectly, people on the streets. Daryl spotted what he believed was Rick and Judith on one porch, with Michonne and Carl in the background.
Carol and Maggie on another, immersed in some imaginary conversation that was clearly amusing by the smiles drawn on their faces; Glenn leaning out of a window.
Daryl's eyes scanned the picture closely, not wanting to miss any detail. A small smile creeped onto his face as he noticed himself in the picture, sitting on a porch, crossbow leaning by his left leg. He was honoured that she had added him into her picture.

"This is great." He assured, handing the paper back to her.
She blushed, mumbling a thank you, standing up and straightening out her yellow sundress.
She turned to Daryl, fiddling with her fingers.
"Would like some tea?"
Daryl smiled, accepting the invite, although he wasn't much of a tea drinker her couldn't refuse her.

They sat on the porch sipping their tea, Y/N looking much more elegant than Daryl.
They stayed there together long after the tea had been finished, taking about trivial things or sitting in comfortable silence.
Although Daryl couldn't shake the story Aaron had told him, he wisely decided to save the questioning for another day.
Today he was just going to enjoy her happiness and the simplicity and calm that radiated from her.

Part three?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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