Imagine 6: Protect Her

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~ Not a request ~

✨Daryl is curious about a member of Alexandria✨

Y/N = Your Name
E/C = You Eye Colour

Daryl's POV
As Aaron lead us through the gates of Alexandria I couldn't help but be on ma' guard. We don't know these people, we don't know wha' there capable of. I don' know how everyone else is actin' so damn calm bout' everything...

Aaron mumbled on about fuck knows what, probably givin' us a run down of the town. I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out on ma' own anyway.

I bumped into Carol, snapping out of my thinkin' mumbling a sorry. I hadn't realised we had stopped walking. Carol laughed quietly, shaking her head.
I was about to ask why we had stopped until I heard... the sweetest sound I'd heard in a long time.

"Naughty birdies, song is made. By pecking holes in tress."
I looked around at the others and saw them all staring in awe at somethin', I followed their gaze and landed on a porch a couple houses down from where we were. Sittin' on that porch, was a girl. Twirlin' a flower between her fingers and singin' her pretty song.
"Willows, cedars, sycamores, and proud oaks, reduced to cheese."
She looked young, probably bout 18, but she had this kinda childlike persona goin' on. She just radiated innocence. How the hell did she make it though all this?
"Woodland Gods all in a huff, have forever cursed your naughty beak. What it pecks it poisons now; your food, your nest, even your young. Your friends now all fear you. But your tears ring clearly through the wood even as they taint the dew. Such a sad, sad little birdy. Maybe one day this song will lift the curse and set you free."

Aaron chuckled gently from the front of the group. He looked at the girl lovingly.
He turned to us briefly before turning back towards the girl. "Hey Y/N!" He called happily.
The young girls head snapped up, she looked upon the group shyly, standing up and straightening out her dress before gracefully walking over. She seemed ta' almost bounce as she walked.
I stared at er' the whole time, I couldn't take ma' eyes off er.

Aaron put his arm around er. She gazed up at us all from under her long lashes.
"Everyone this is Y/N, she's only been here for about five months but she's fitting in perfectly. And I know you guys will too."
I rolled ma' eyes at his attempt to make us feel better bout' being ere'.
Rick stepped forward, offering Y/N his hand. She looked up, her face instantly lighting up as she saw baby Judith.
"Oh." She gasped, her E/C eyes sparking as she looked at Judith like she was the most precious thing on earth.
She grasped Ricks hand daintily, finally looking from Judith to him. "Hi." She whispered with a friendly smile.
Rick chucked, a smile creepin' into his face. "Hi, my names Rick Grimes. This is my daughter Judith." He motioned to the little girl in his arms and Y/N's face lit up once more.
"She's beautiful." She cooed.

The group went round' introducing themselves, everyone seemed to really like er', specially Carl, he practically had heart eyes when she talked to him.
I snickered as he stuttered out his introduction but immediately shut my mouth when I realised the girl was now standing in front of me.
She looked at me sweetly, playing with the sleeves of er' cardigan.
She extended her little hand to me, I took it gently, scared that I might hurt er', she looked so fragile.

Her hand was soft and warm.
"M, Daryl." I mumbled. "Daryl Dixon."
She titled her head to the side, studyin' me.
"Daryl... hmm." She bit er' lip and smiled. God damn.
She slowly released my hand, taking a few steps back so she was standing with Aaron again.
"Well, it was great to meet you all. But I have some... things I need to do." She mumbled quietly at the end, as if in deep though bout' what she was gonna do.
Aaron nudged her and she looked at im' pointedly. "Little Y/N here is an excellent artist." He stated proudly.
Y/N blushed. "Mmm, I dabble." She always sounded so meek when she spoke. So quite. Like wha' she had ta' say didn't matter.
Aaron chuckled. "Dabble?" He looked around the group, waving his hand exaggeratedly. "She more than dabbles, she's amazing."
Y/N looked down, blushin' profusely. "Mm, I'll see you later." She said quietly, givin' everyone a shy wave.
Tonight Deanna was holdin' some stupid party to 'welcome' us to Alexandria. Pretty sure everyone's going but me. Instead Aaron invited me over for dinner, thought I might as well go.

I knocked on the door, not long after Aaron let me in.
"Hey Daryl, glad you came."
"Yeah." I grunted.
Just as I took my first step into the house I heard a sweet melody coming from the kitchen.
"I have died everyday waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years." Standing in the kitchen, singing and slowly dancing, all the while stirrin' something in a pot was Y/N.
"I'll love you for a thousand more." She stopped singing and instead started humming to the same tune.

I didn't realise I was staring until Aaron clapped me on the back,slightly startling me, telling me to take a seat.
Aaron sat down in front of me, soon Eric came and sat next to him, saying a brief hello to me.
We made small talk until Y/N came in with the food, which smelt damn good.
"She made spaghetti, hope that's okay?" Aaron asked.
I grunted, happy to have any kinda food tha' want from a can or that I had to catch ma'self.

Y/N walked gracefully into the kitchen, skilfully cradlin' four bowls on er' arms.
She set down Aaron's first, then Eric's, then hers, then mine. I looked at er' as she set my bowl down, she gave me a sweet smile before sitting down next to me.

I couldn't help but glance over at er' from time to time while she ate. She mostly stayed quite while Aaron and Eric spoke, occasionally joinin' in, but mostly she'd just listen, gigglin' sweetly at somethin' funny; blushing whenever they complimented her.
"Enjoying your food Daryl?" She giggled quietly from beside me.
I paused, looking over at her, my mouth stuffed with spaghetti, some hanging out of ma' mouth. I slurped it up messily and she laughed quietly, snorting a little at the end. She was so... precious.

After we had finished eating we continued to talk for a while. Apparently it was a lot longer that I thought, cause the next time I looked over at Y/N she was head down on the table, dead asleep and snoring lightly.
Aaron saw her too and laughed quietly. "She does this a lot, gets tired really easily." He stood up, careful not to make to much noise. "Would you be able to carry her up to her room? I'll show you the way."
I nodded and stood up, Eric cleared the plates while I gently put one of my arms under Y/N legs and the other around her back; gently hoisting her up.
I followed Aaron up to the room; it was surprisingly decorated. Painting and sketches hung on the walls and were scattered on the floor as well as various paints and brushes. Some clothes were strew across the bed, a stack of books on the bedside table.

I set er' down gently on the bed, putting the blanket over er. As I turned around to leave I felt her soft little hand wrap around my right arm. I turned around to see her, eyes still closed but forehead creased in distress.
I felt her tug me back, I sighed, knowing she wasn't going to let go, I crawled over her to lay behind her; she still had hold of my arm which was now draped over her.

She breathed out deeply, squeezing my wrist slightly before her little snores filled the room.
"Don't worry sweet girl, I'll look out for ya." I mumbled softly, careful not to wake er'. I don't know why I feel this way about someone I just met, maybe it's her innocence, maybe it's something else entirely. But I can't deny the strong pull she has on me.

Might do a part two for this.

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Daryl Dixon | A Series of Imagines | Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat