Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody(8)

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He touched his lips to Arthit's, a bit clumsily but passionately. The senior's lips were warmer and softer than expected. Locking his lips with Arthit itself was burning somewhere inside that he hadn't realized he had. He lifted up Arthit from where he sat, and hugged him softly. The kiss was tender, but Kongpob felt his feet off the ground and butterflies in his stomach. Kongpob noticed Arthit was also trembling his body so much. 'If he doesn't want to be kissed?' Light panic spread through Kongpob's heart. So, in worry, he placed his lips a little away from Arthit's. He held himself still for a while, looking down into his beautiful sun.

"If you don't want......."

He left the decision to Arthit, desperately wanting his approval.

"Shut up. Focus on your study."

At the moment Arthit said those words in a low-pitched voice, Kongpob got delightful goose bumps all over. He felt nothing existed around him but Arthit. Now, as no more permission needed, he slid his tongue gently inside his mouth. He ran his tongue along the roof of Arthit's mouth. Arthit's tongue responded his and they finally intertwined and softly caressed each other. They breathed in and out together while kissing slowly. Kongpob's hands didn't stop brushing his face, neck and back. When the senior's hand voluntarily caressed the back of his neck, Kongpob instantly gave several quick pecks on his lips, nose, cheeks and forehead in return. Soon again, they softly pressed their lips on each other's with a playful giggle. Kongpob held him tightly in his arms not to move even an inch. It seemed their kiss would never end.

At some point, slow but sensual moans were released from Arthit's mouth, which got Kongpob's inner switch totally turned on. Down below his waist was absolutely hard, just because of only one person. No other person had made him feel like this. Truth is, From the bottom of his heart, Kongpob really wanted to explore every inch of this man's body and soul. If he were not just an 18 year-old virgin boy, he would lure this beautiful human being into doing something more daring at all costs. Kongpob abruptly moved his mouth over Arthit's ears and kept on whispering the same words.

"Let me have you."

He was already out of control.

"Let me have you please...."

He was just a feverish body of flesh as well as 'a irrational beast' at that moment.


he heard his name called by Arthit but ignored it. He just couldn't stop kissing his sun.


He pressed his lips anywhere on Arthit's face, neck, and even his earlobes.

"0062, Kongpob!"

At last,

"What the hell are you doing now?"

He opened his eyes and met his sun's in the dim light. P'Arthit seemed very annoyed with him as usual.

"How dare you spill my milk all over ?"

'Was it not real?'

"Now, I am sure you were born to drive me crazy."

'Did I just dream of what I longed for?'

"Stop pressing your dumb forehead to mine right away."

Kongpob stepped back with embarrassment. He couldn't believe he had daydreamed about something unattainable for him.

"Let's go back, It's already late."

Arthit hurried Kongpob but he showed no sign of leaving. Kongpob looked numb with shock. Arthit gave up on him and just left for his dorm building. As Arthit walked a few steps towards the dorm, he finally heard Kongpob's footsteps following him. They walked keeping some distance from each other. Kongpob was staring at Arthit's back with nothing in his mind but the pleasure of the first kiss they had shared in his daydream. However, as they were close to Arthit's dorm building, Kongpob felt more guilty than pleasant. He felt as if he had done something really dirty to Arthit though it had happened in his imagination.

" can leave already."

Kongpob was watching his sun placing his ID card on the card reader. As soon as he heard a beeping sound, Unconsciously, Kongpob opened the door and held it open for Arthit to enter.

"Please, Get in first."

He couldn't make eye contact with Arthit, but P's moist lips attracted all his attention. He swallowed hard, and his tongue instinctively flicked his lips. Feeling more guilty, he quickly looked away from his lips.

"W.....Why are you entering too?"

"..........Let me press the elevator button."

He didn't wait for the senior's approval, walked towards the elevator and pressed down the UP button quickly. There was no talk between them until the elevator arrived. When the elevator was open, Kongpob got in first and waited for Arthit, pressing the Open door button.

".......W,...Why do you get in there?"

"Let your floor button."

Kongpob pressed Arthit's floor button, number 6, and restlessly poked the Close door button several times. It was a jaw-dropping experience for Arthit to have seen the Prince Charming act really wired tonight.

".......What on earth do you want?"


Kongpob stood alongside of Arthit. The elevator skipped the floors in-between and reached his floor directly.

"So damn fast."

Kongpob murmured to himself. He got off the elevator and walked with Arthit in the hallway. They finally arrived at Arthit's room, which made Arthit so relieved that he could be alone in his own place. He unlocked the door and let himself in quickly.

"Let me ask something, P'"

Arthit slowly turned around and noticed Kongpob holding the door open. He really wanted this troublemaker to disappear before his eyes.

"Once you get my answer, just go away."

"...........Did I say.......anything.......dirty to you?"



"I said No."

"Then.....Did I do hated?"

"You did nothing but spill my precious milk."

"........Thank you god, you saved me."

Kongpob almost collapsed on the floor, relieved. he was completely drenched in sweat. Arthit waited for Kongpob to calm himself down, strongly pressing his lips together. It was one of his habits that allowed him to hide something embarrassing.

"Thank you for the book, P'"

When Arthit was about to close the door, Kongpob already recovered his usual self. Their eyes met for a while, and Arthit was still pressing his lips tightly together. Kongpob backed away so that his sun could close the door between them.


The door was completely closed before Kongpob finished saying good-bye to him.

"......miss you already."

He talked to himself, feeling lonely. He touched the door with his hand, letting out a heavy sigh. Soon later, He turned back to where the elevator was, got on the empty one, went down in it and got out of the building.

Seemingly, his long, tiring day was over.


I plan to finish this as soon as possible. 

but it was really hard for me to write. ha.....

once started, the best to finish.

I know....what the hell.

i 'll do my best.

sorry for my poor English writing I really hope you can understand what I am talking about.

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