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Happy Hallows Eve, my friends! 


Ross' POV

Jess just left to go take care of some business. I want to go explore, but I don't think I should.

"Why did you call her mom?" I ask Max.

"It's not important," Max shakes his head. "Come on, let's go explore."


"There's candy up ahead," he says. I jump up.

"Guide me!" I yell. He smiles and takes my hand, pulling me into the next room and going to the left. A jar of candy sits on a pedal stool and I run up and take one.

"Get another one," Max says. I take another, but I don't quite feel very good about it.

"Alright," he says. "Lets go."

"Okay," I say, getting ready to put a candy in my mouth.

"No, no," Max says. "Save it for later."

"Okay," I shrug, shoving is back in my pocket with the other one.

Max leads me down halls, helping me fight monsters. I spare them, after all, Jess said I shouldn't kill anyone.

Everything is well, until I see a ghost lying on the ground.

"W-what do I do?" I ask Max.

"Try to move him," He says. I nudge the ghost, but all he does is float up, still blocking me. The poor thing looks incredibly sad.

Max grabs my shoulder, keeping a tight hold and looking at the ghost.

"Here comes Blue," he says. I raise an eyebrow and turn back to the ghost.

I smile at him, but he still looks sad.

"I'd just weigh you down," he sighs, starting to tear up.

"No! Please don't cry," I say. The tears come at me like other monsters attacks. I dodge them. And try to cheer him up again.

I smile at the ghost and tell him a little joke.

"Heh," he laughs a bit. His tears become less and less.

I tell him another joke with a pun, making Max cringe while Blue laughs more.

"Heh.. Heheh..." He smiles a bit. "Hey, I've been working on this trick. Want to see?"

"Yes!" I nod, smiling. He starts crying, but the tears float upward and turn into a nice top hat.

"I call it Dapper Blook," he says. "Do you like it?"

"Yes, it looks very nice on you," I tell him.

"Oh gee," he smiles. I spot Max's red face, but when he sees me watching, he looks away. I spare Blue and we stop our battle.

"I usually come to the Ruins because there's nobody around... But today I met somebody nice... Oh, I'm rambling again... I'll get out of your way." Blue fades out of view and I blink a couple times to make sure he's actually gone.

I smile, happy to have spared another monster. Jess would be proud of me.

Max grumbled some incoherent words.

"What?" I ask him.

"Why were you so nice to him?" He asks, almost exploding.

"Because it's the nice thing to do!" I exclaim. "Besides, he didn't hurt me."

"He could have-"

"But he didn't," I huff. "How do you even know all these monsters anyway?"

"Never mind that," he sighs. "Let's keep going."


Part 2 of ?


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