Q: Don't you think you should get some curtains in y'all offices, for whenever you and Cyd wanna get freaky ? 😭
A: Actually, curtains was my idea but she was like nah 'cause she like tha view. I was like, you'ca open and close curtains tho. Then she was like so? So I just dropped tha shit. I thank she knew what she was goin' fa anyways.. Cyd's freak shit was on the low fa'real y'all.

Q. Would you ever take one of Cyd's dance classes?
A: How 'bout I not and say I did.

Q. In An Argument, Do You Let Her Know She Was Wrong, Or Let Her Get Her Way?
A: Look, she be testing my shit when she wanna bring up tha past like it was the present. I tell ha straight up whetha it hurt ha feelings a'not, then apologize then fuck around like ain't shit happened. Moral of tha question is, she get ha way after I teach ha a lesson.

Q. How do you deal with Cydney?
A: Bruh, ion even kno' sometimes. Like I be so blinded by tha shit she do I just done got immune ta most of it. Like when she start gettin' annoyin' and dancin' all ova tha place I just ignore ha ass til she start whinnin' cause I'm ignorin' ha then I pay attention ta ha fa alil bit then it's back ta me and my shit. Like have a pet a'sum.

Cydney Michaels

Cydney Michaels

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Q. Why not give August ur all.... Have some kids and be married?
A: I'm only 22.. there's so much more I have to do before I wanna settle down. There's so much more August to wants to do as well. Plus he hasn't mentioned it. What's the rush?

Q. Why you always playin'?
A: Why you always hatin'?

Q. Why do you have a problem forgiving people?
A: When you got people lyin' to you since day one, it affects you. You don't see the point in forgiving if they just gonna lie again.

Q. Do you think you and August will last a long time?
A: I wouldn't be putting in work if I didn't think so.

Q. Why when something happens that bothers you hold it in or don't speak on it right away?
A: That's just my process thought is all. I know I need to work on it, *rolls eyes* I'll get it together.

Q. Do u think u and August will be together in the future?
A: Only time will tell is all I can say. I don't want to hex anything..

Q. What's little wugga like?
A: You don't know how many times I get that question, everybody says I have that 'good dick glow', but look. All's I can say is August is daddy, shit he zaddy 😜.

Q. Where'd you get wugga from?
A: I've heard it around before like once from some internet famous couple and never again. I basically stole that shit from them. Lock me up.

Q. Would you start your own dance team, to compete in competitions and have performances?
A: It's a process in the works 😌

Q. What's it like living with August?
A: It's pretty chill for the most part... he gets super annoying but you know what? It's cool. I love when he's comfortable. When he's annoying he's comfortable. It's better than the usual guy who's gross when he's comfortable.

Q. Why are you really difficult sometimes? In situations, it's like you see no fault and over exaggerate.
A: It's not that I don't see any fault, but maybe I'm just being too real sometimes. As for the exaggeration, sometimes I have to do that with August or he literally will say he understands, but in reality he doesn't. Y'all don't see what happened behind closed doors, there's more than what you know.

Hazel White

Q: What u been up too haze??A: I been chillin'

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Q: What u been up too haze??
A: I been chillin'.

Q: How do you feel about Cyd and August's relationship. Do you think he is good for her?
A: Well I'm all for it, but I think they could communicate a little better. Chris living on he other side of the states but we don't be with all that extra shit Aug and Cyd got going on... but maybe that's not a good thing?

Q: You and Chris still fuckin?
A: More than you know *sticks tongue out*

Q: Hazey! Your a great friend to cyd do you feel it's reciprocated?
A: Mhm. I know she'll ride for me like I'd ride for her. She'd be there when I need her and vice versa. If she don't, I don't mind getting a little blood on my hands.

Q: What's your occupation?
A: I owned a online clothing store but now it's come to life as a real deal store.

Q: Last time you talked to Cyd?
A: This morning. She was complaining about August cause he yelled at her for leaving the back door open and some cats wandered their way in. Cydney wanted to keep them however August didn't, which makes it more funny.

Matthew White

Matthew White

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Q. Can u make some more appearances maybe?
A. I'll try love 😌

Q. Why you so fine?
A. Genetics as fuck

Q. How old are you?
A. 20

Q. What do you wanna be when you grow up?
A. I'm tryna get to the NBA, that's my only sight right now.

Book 1: She's a Keeper | August Alsina (fin)Where stories live. Discover now