Chapter Eleven

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"A what?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Is a lapis lazuli, that is your gem. Rather beautiful actually. " Falk said smiling my way. I leaned back into my chair and smiled to myself. I could get used to this. A lapis lazuli, wow. Snapped back into focus just as Mr. George poured the second half of Dan's flask into the final flap. Again he pushed several levers and turned the wheel thing. Just as before the whole Chronograph lit up and the inside rotated. The gems moved again and this time I could see all the magic happening inside. The different gems were all so beautiful and individual. The I could see my own, a lapis lazuli, a Turquoise and a moonstone before it stopped. I saw what gem  it was and smiled. "Daniel, it seems that your gem is a .... Topaz, congratulations." Falk reduced the attention back to him saying a couple more rules but personally I wasn't listening. I looked over to Dan and he was looking at me as well. I mouthed well done to him and he mouthed you too back to me.
"So Lana, do you want that?" Falk asked.

"Aah, Yes!" I said confused. I wasn't paying attention. "You WANT to do your first time travel by yourself, without assistance." Mr George asked concerned.

"What? No." I stuttered. I looked over to Dan as he was silently laughing his head of. It's great that I was such an amusement for him. " So its settled then. You, Gwyneth and Gideon will be a travelling together and Daniel will go by himself. " With this Dan stops silently laughing and has an expression of fear on him face. Now it's my turn to laugh. His expression is just too funny. "I'm just kidding. You four will travel together. Gwyneth, would you like to choose what time frame you will go to?" Mr George said with a grin. I noticed then that Gwyneth and Gideon were both sitting on the same couch again. I looked at Gwyneth and as she looked back at me, my hand subconsciously floated to my pocket with the letter in it. I smiled and remembered I had to tell Gwyneth the date. "I was thinking, we could go visit my grandfather. I'm sure Lana would love to meet him." Gwyneth answered the proposed question and she was right, I'd love to meet him. "Sounds like a great idea. Would you like to follow me to the chronograph room. We will begin the journey." Mr George said and we stood up. I didn't realise that someone came and took the new chronograph away so I followed him down many corridors, towards a room with an old looking door.

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