iii. Dear Strawberry

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10:21 PM

Dear Strawberry,

I'm sorry

I know this year has been difficult for you

It has been for me, too

We're changing, and I know that's hard to do without each other

Because it can feel like I'm changing away from you

But that isn't true

It's just that I've changed in ways

I can't explain

To say it plain:

I can't feel the same way about you that I used to

I can't be a simple friend anymore

No matter how desperately I wish to be

It just strangles me

This silence we've become

I could speak into the void

But my echo would come back and that would hurt more that this thick wall of quiet so I will keep un-speaking to you

And hoping things will go back to 

The way they used to

Be . . .

I don't know if you noticed but

I've been kinder this year

To you, at least

Because I feel like I know you less

I can't make fun of you

And joke with you

And about you

The way I used to anymore.

But honesty

From you to me

Is too painful to even fathom

I can think of myself saying the words I need to say

To you

And it sickens me, that image does, because I'm afraid of telling the truth

God, I can't even write it here

I'm too scared

I wonder

I wonder if you are too.

You aren't though because you've told me things that mean you don't know me the way I wish you knew me and I will never know you the way I wish I could know you.

You're just a strawberry, I'm sorry, polished and pretty on the outside, but bleeding out into oblivion when you are split open.

           Your Friend,


(PS: If you ever read this, you know my "secret", I think. You should, because I told you. But you won't acknowledge it. So I guess we never will.)

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