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*Sky's P.O.V*

After a long roller coaster of emotions, Percy and I just sat and talked.

"Why does it always have to be you?" He said a tear going down his cheek. I was in a pool of my own tears. I told him everything except what I saw in the future. I want to keep that to myself. I'm not going to do anything to mess up the future. I've seen the movie Back to The Future.

"I don't know." I said.

"It always has to be us! Are there no other gods? Your father sits up in Olympus. What has he done? What has he sacrificed? Does he know?" He asked.

"I know Percy, trust me I know. Dad doesn't know. I'm sorry about how our cards are falling but, it's the only way." I said.

"There has to be another way!" He said.

"This thing they keep talking about is what caused the curse to have to happen. It's bigger than everything in this universe but my magic. I would try to find another way but, I made up my mind." I said.

"But without you who do I have? Why did you make this decision by yourself? You know this affects all of us! I can't lose you. I cant live without you! I need you to tell me this isn't the way you go. Tell me something else. Anything else." He said. Gods, this guy really knows hoe to break my heart.

"You have the kids! You will always have me. I wish I could tell you something different. Something more hopeful. But, you're going to have to cope with this. I know that sounds really harsh but, it's real. This right here, right now. It's a real situation. I know you're gonna be strong enough to help the kids move on after me. If not for mine then for their sake."I said.

"I will anyone love again. I can't move on from you Sky." He said.

"I know, I set the bar at the all time high. Let's just make these last days the most love filled days ever!" I said with a smile.

"How many do we have?" He asked.

"Ten." I said with a smile.

"Ten?" He asked with a tear falling down his cheek.

"Yes." I said.

"I guess in those ten days I'll just fall in love with you again and again." He said wiping his tears. I smile and kissed him.

"I love you Skylar Jackson." He said.

"I love you Percy Jackson. Don't you ever forget that!" I said.

"Never." He said with a smile. He kissed me and I kissed him back.

*Time Skip: 5 days*

         I'm almost done. I am proud to say that I, Skylar Hart Jackson, have done it. It took since the kids told me about time travel till now to finally figure it out. But now I'm happy to announce that I created TIME TRAVELLLLLLLL.  It's all in my powers! I captured some of it from my power tank that is disintegrating slowly thanks to that lettuce. Then I put it in a jar and connected it to the home theater. The two magics collided into time travel!!!! It can bring me to any point in time I want. All I have to do is take a sip of the concoction and think about the time I want to go to! Maybe I can make it into a portal and the concoction can fuel the portal. I don't want to keep drinking myself. The kids came out of a closet so maybe I can put the portal there. This is all so cool. It's powerful also. I think I'll make it a surprise gift for their senior year. That's why they look so young when they came to see me. I'm a smart woman. I want to go see them whichever year their in again. I would love to see how much Dani grew up. I step up the closet portal device. It actually didn't take that long. Thank god for my goddess powers. I stepped into the portal and thought of were I wanted to go. So it's the same thing I would do if I were going to flash somewhere. I'm going to go to right after they saw me.

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