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This is what Skylar looks like right now by the way

This is what Skylar looks like right now by the way

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*5 years later*

*Sky's P.O.V*

"Mommy! Harry stole my brownie!" Christina said.

"Mommy! Harry stole my brownie!" Christina said

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"Harry!" I called.

"Yes mommy!" He said running in.

"Did you take Chrissy's brownie?" I asked

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"Did you take Chrissy's brownie?" I asked.

"Yes." He said looking all guilty with his head down. He is so cute.

"Did you steal the brownie?" I asked.

"No I didn't!" He said. I read his mind. I did take Chrissy's brownie but it was really good. I love how he just explains his lies now and saves us trouble when I read his mind. 

"Why didn't you just ask mommy for another one?" I asked.

"It was on the table! I didn't know it was your's Chrissy!" He said.

"Say your sorry Harry." I said.

"I'm sorry Chrissy." He said.

"It's okay!" She said.

"Alright now go play." I said with a smile.

"Mommy!" I heard Danielle scream. I flashed to her instantly.

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