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*Sky's P.O.V*

I am so fed up with Percy's attempts at getting me back. I have gone through serenades, pizzas with m&m's on it spelling out sorry, and more! Now I know what you're probably saying. "At least he's trying!". But I'm just kind of fed up. I arrive at home from training at camp to see a note on my bed.

Meet me at the cinema - Percy

Okay, that's it. I walked to our cinema in the house and saw Percy. He looked very cute but I ignored that for a moment.

"I am breaking u-" I started to say.

"Before you go into a rant, have a seat. I want to show you something." He said.

"Fine. But I swear Percy Jackson, if you came to show me a sex tape. I will freeze you in a place you don't want frozen!" I said. I heard his chuckle as I sat down. The movie started. I saw Grover, the trash ( Annabeth ), and I .

""Thanks. It means a lot that you're trying. So many of us wish we could see our parents. I mean, just once." That trash said. Ughhhhh, why is he showing me this.

"Hart?"Percy said.

"Seaweed brain."I said.

"New nickname?"He asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, it was made by Ares for Poseidon so I figured I could steal that one." I said. Grover oohed. I heard Percy let out a chuckle next to me after I said that. I don't know why but that little part made me feel so nice inside. I guess it's because those words started my never ending adventure with Percy.

*Time Skip: 2 hours*

"Harry Xavier Jackson I like that." I said with a smile.

"And we should name her Christina." Percy said. I looked up at him with a bright smile.

"I love it!" I said. I truly do love her name. Man, I love my babies.

"Christina Angel Jackson. Cause she is one, just like her mother." He said. I blushed and we made out for a bit. We pulled away to the babies giggling.

"They have your sea green eyes." I said with a smile.

"And they have your beauty." He said.

"Can you stop!" I said blushing hard!

"It's just so true." He said. Then we both fell asleep cuddling with are kids. Then the screen went black and I noticed I was cuddled into Percy. With tears in my eyes, I shot up out of my seat and went to the other side of the Cinema. I was there for like a good minute before I felt two strong arms turn me around and push me against the wall. Of course, it was Percy.

"Why did you have to show me that?" I said. Some tears coming down my face.

"Cause if I sat you down and explain all those emotions in that video to you. It wouldn't be the same." He said.

"I told you I can't take you hurting me anymore Jackson. I told you that! But, you still did it. You vowed to me that you wouldn't." I said.

"It was stupid and I'm sorry. I love you Skylar, I wouldn't be fighting this hard if I didn't. I will love me till my last breath. Even if you freeze me for centuries to come I will still love you when I'm thawed out. That's what I vowed. That I would never let go of the feeling of loving you. From this day until the end of my days. No one and no thing can stop that." He said. I looked down. He picked my head up by putting a finger under my chin and kissed me. I kissed back of course. I can forgive you him now. How can you not? He just said he'll keep loving me if I freeze him for centuries. We pulled away.

"So am I forgiven?" He asked.

"Fuck you Jackson!" I said.

"You already have Jackson. I have proof!" He said with a smirk.

"I hate you." I said.

"I love you more." He said. I kissed him and he kissed back. We pulled away again.

"So I take that as a Yes?" He asked. I nodded. He kissed me, picked me up bridal style, and carried me the whole way up to our room. Then he laid me on the bed.

"I love you Mrs.Jackson!" He said.

"I love you more Mr. Jackson!" I said. Then we did something you kittens don't have to know about that night.

*Next Morning*

I woke up in the arms of my sexy husband. I just smiled cause life is good. For now. As if on cue I heard a lightning bolt. Just as life was "good". I got ready then I flashed to my dad's leaving a note to Percy.

"Skylar!" He said.

"Yes father." I said.

"How are you and Percy?" He asked.

"We made up." I said.

"Good, are you two happy?" He asked.

"Yup!"I said.

"That's good, we have a problem." He said.

"What kind of problem?" I asked him.

"Well, Athena is quite angry." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Annabeth is mad." He said.

"Serve's her right for trying to steal my husband!" I said.

"Would it be bad if Percy had two wives?" Dad asked.

"Excuse me!?!" I said. Did he really just say that!

"Okay, I phrased that wrong." He said.

"There isn't a right way to say something like that!" I said.

"How do you think we should go about this then? Without a war between the gods." He asked.

"I will fight her for my husband." I said.

"That isn't really fair since you can't die and she can." He said.

"I don't see a problem." I mumbled.

"Alright, how about Annabeth spends a week in your household. We'll have Percy decide who he wants." He said.

"I don't feel comfortable with her around my children." I said.

"Listen Skylar, we aren't searching for another war. So you're gonna have to deal with that. If Percy loves you as much as you love him then he will choose you!" He said.

"Fine tell her that her week starts tomorrow. If she doesn't show up at my house at midnight sharp tonight, then she can forget about it." I said.

"Done." He said. I went home to MY husband. He was coming out of the babies room.

"Hey babe, I got your note! What did your fath-" He said. I cut him off, pushed him against the wall, and kissed him. I put so much passion into that kiss and pulled away. I began to walk away but was pulled back by a hand on my wrist.

"What?" I asked turning back to him.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"What? I can't kiss my husband?" I asked rubbing his chest.

"What's gonna happen?" He asked.

"Why does something have to happen?" I asked.

"Sky, I know you something's up! You did that same exact thing before the break."He said.

"Annabeth is gonna be staying in the house for a week."I said. He looked confused.

"You two made up?" He asked.

"Hell no, Athena's mad cause Annabeth is mad so she has to stay here for a week. At the end of the week you get to decide how you want to be with." I explained.

"So that's why you kissed me like that?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yup, I wanna show you what you would miss if you chose her." I said. I leaned close to his ear.

"There's more where that came from." I whispered. I felt him tense up and I walked to the bedroom. Let's just say that we did a repeat of last night 😉.

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