(T'sB:2nd semester: 8) Inner battles...

Start from the beginning

"Maybe I should be here."

No!" I yelled.

That shocked sean.

"I'm sorry just I don't want him to know about you I want to tell him about my life in school about my studio and let him leave."

"Are you sure?" He asked.


"Yes, now let's go back to sleep," I say kissing his cheek.

I take off my pants and slide underneath the covers. Sean cuts off the lamp and wraps his arm around me.

He fell asleep but I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried to close my eyes.

Soon my alarm rung and we got up and got dressed:

Afterwards, as always we got to school separately, of course, to keep speculations at a low

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Afterwards, as always we got to school separately, of course, to keep speculations at a low.
Then after school, we go to my dance studio to practice glee. Soon after that I went to my house and waited for my dad to show up.

Soon enough he did,

I anxiously opened the door and there he was wearing one of his old baseball caps, old blue jeans, a red shirt with an unbuttoned blue flannel over it, holding a brown bag.

"Hey, kiddo."

"Hey, dad." I let him in.

"I brought Chinese I asked for them to put no vegetables in the lo mein like you lied it remember?" He asked smiling.

I smile back weakly almost on the verge of tears. "Yea I remember and you would always say that when I turn 14 the vegetable monster would come and get me for not eating the vegetables to scare me into eating at least one carrot."

"Have you seen the monster yet?" He joked.

Quick flashes of abuse come at me." no." I say giving him a weak smile.

We sit down and I cut on the tv and we eat.

"Sooo why have you been in America for soo long?" I asked.

"Well I was in America cause well my addiction led me there and I realized I need to stop so I went to rehab and got clean. After a year of getting my life back together, I got a plane ticket and flew here."

"Good to hear."

"What about you kiddo how has your life been?"


"It's been fine I've been thrown around a bit but after you signed the papers life got better i guess"

Soon talking to him became easier and I found myself laughing at some of his jokes sometimes he would bring up old times from Halloween or Christmas sometimes easter it made me laugh.

Soon after laughing at one of his jokes when I looked back at him his smile disappeared.

"Whats wrong?" I asked,"I laughed at your dad jokes why da long face."

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