Chapter 1

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Waking everyday, I feel lonely and empty. Going out for a walk, the same feeling keep evolving inside my life. I'm getting tired and bored of it. After breaking up with my girlfriend, I never feel so lonely 'til now. I just sit by myself at the piano, sighing quietly but it seems to be loud enough to catch the lads' attentions. I've returned to the band after few years of being solo as I missed touring and be with my bandmates. Louis frowns, sitting on top of the piano with his legs criss-cross. 

"You're alright, mate?", he ask. 

I look at him pointed look, but he seems to be dumb not to realise that. I shake my head and tell him that I'm fine, but he isn't convince. Get it why I say him being dumb right now? Sometimes I really do love him, but sometimes I feel like his dumbness need to be remove from his brain 'cause he would be terribly dumb as fuck. Liam pat my back a little, flashing small smile before groans at Louis.

"You, dimwit! Zayn here is bored!", Liam voices out. 

Louis make those ooing looks, but quickly throw his empty bottle to Liam which hit straight to the lad's forehead. Both, Liam and I startles at it before Louis burst into fit laughter. His laughter are pretty contagious which is hard not to joins him. I soon to fall into his laughter, laughing at Liam whose looking at us dumbfounded. Groaning at us, he soon to leave us be as he walk to somewhere before Harry joins us in the room. 

"Louis William Tomlinson, shut up or you'll have sore throat!", Harry sounded upset. 

That's just instantly have both of us stop laughing and sitting up straight, looking at him with blank face. Harry let out a low sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose and shake his head at us. He soon to walk to the lounge, sitting there while resting his head down. Niall and Liam soon to walk back into the room, looking at us with cocked brow. 

"What are you looking at, boi?", Louis try to sound upset too, but he actually fails terribly at the end. 

Niall scoffs at him, rolling his eyes to the eldest lad in our band before he plop himself beside Harry. As usual, they both would cuddles together while Louis would watch them with jealous-rage firing inside his dark blue eyes. Niall and Harry didn't notice those burning gaze that Louis sending at them, before Louis jump off from the piano. He walk to me and sit himself on my lap, straddling me a little before he press his face to my neck. I just freeze right there, watching Louis with disturbed look but he mutter something to me. 

"Play along with me, Zaynie.", he mutters. 

I sigh, looking at Niall and Harry whose currently looking at us. I hums, wrapping my arms back around Louis' small frame and rest my head to his, rocking us both a little. Liam just stand in the middle room, feeling bit left out but he didn't mind that. I didn't realise that Harry is actually getting more upset with us 'til he pull away from Niall and march towards Louis and I. He soon to rip Louis off from me with a strong force, glaring hard at me. 

"Mine!", Harry states possessively. 

I put my hands up in surrender, backing away from them before shooing them away. Harry bring Louis back to his seat and sit the smaller latter to his laps, pulling him down to rest against his figure. Louis smirk at Niall, making the youngest to roll his eyes. Liam call Niall back, bringing him to the kitchen. I sigh, staying at my sit there before I look into my phone. Unlocking it, I surf to the internet and search for ways to kill my lonely feeling. The search engine begins to loading lots of searches for me to look at 'til something just appears. 

"Child Adoption"

"That's it!", I snap. 

Both, Harry and Louis startles and Louis jump a little on Harry's laps before nudging Harry's chest with his elbow. Harry begins to coughs, huffing painfully before throw cusses at me. I chuckles nervously, apologising to him before I tap to the search. The window soon to loads 'til it begins to fill about child adoption. Reading the article, I already know what I need now. 

"Guys!", I call. 

Looking up, Niall and Liam soon to run back into the room and look at me with surprised faces. Louis and Harry still recovering from their shock-state, before look at me with some looks. I show them my phone, but they just frowns as they look to the screen. Reading it quietly, they all soon to look at me with unsure looks. 

"I don't know about that, Zaynie. We're gonna be on tour soon, y'know that. Handling a kid and touring, that would be big headache, don't you think?", Niall ask. 

I hums, looking back to the article. I'm pretty about this. I mean, I've never been so sure 'til now. Plus, we're no longer living together since they've moved out to smaller house after I left the band. I'm living by my own at my own mansion and it feels really empty. I could get used with little noise made by small kid in the house. Also, could have someone to cuddles with during nighttime and have someone to accompany me eating in the kitchen. Looking back to them, I nods my head. 

"I've never been so sure 'til right now! This is what I actually really wanna do!", I tell. 

Louis soon to hop off from Harry's laps, running to me before hugs me tightly. I almost suffocates in his deadly hug, before pull away from him and pants for air to breathes. He chuckles nervously, muttering his apology to me as he squeeze me a little to hard at my neck. I scoffs a little, after coughing before shake my head to him. 

"Well, if that's your decision, we'll support you throughout the whole process.", tell Liam. 

Niall, Harry and Louis nods to me. I can't help but to pull a smile to my face. We all get into group hugs, before Louis scream that I'm gonna be an awesome daddy. I blush a little, chuckles and thanks him. They all nods to Louis, before each one tell how great, amazing and fun daddy I'd be to the kid. I smile wholeheartedly, thanking them for those to making my heart swell in touched. They stick their tongues out at my cheesy words, which makes me laughs a little. We all soon to pull away, be seated to empty chairs in the room before discussing about the kid that's nice for me to adopt. I really don't want him/her to be older or younger, maybe around 3-5 years old would be perfect age. The lads nods to me, agreeing with the choice of age of kid that I'm going to adopt later. Can't wait to have him/her soon. 

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