Author's Note

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Hey everyone, and thank you for deciding to read "My Redneck"!

"My Redneck" is the sequel to "That Redneck" so if you haven' taken a look at the first book, then don't read this one!

Alright so I'm hugely excited for this, I've been waiting like forever to post this and I know it's been a long time so you may have forgotten some thing so if you have questions message me!

I know you really wanna get to the story but this note's basically giving you an idea of how "My Redneck" is going to work.

This book will focus on the main plot line but I'll incorporate my own twists and turns so prepare for a bump ride!

They're will be a bunch of new characters, new relationships, new problems and lots of walkers!

I do not own any of AMC's characters such as Rick, Carl, Michonne, Abraham, Maggie, Tara ect. But I do own everyone else.

Please don't plagiarize my book, I've worked very hard on creating my own original story and I would hope you would respect that.

This book will include all of season fours plot line, my own plot lines, season five's plot line and hopefully season six's plot line so be prepared for a long journey.

I will try and update as often as possible, but please realize I do have school, a social life, extra curricular activities, ect. So please don't hate on me if I don't update!

Also the cover for this book looks a little bit weird because Wattpad was being odd and would not let me upload my cover properly so for the time being its gonna look a little wonky.

I'm super excited to be releasing this! I've been waiting just as long as you guys to write this!

In "That Redneck" I had many spelling errors, and I realize that. I will try my very best to prevent errors again, but please realize that I am only human.

I am overwhelmed by the amount of feedback I got for "That redneck", I will ALWAYS answer you guys back, or respond to your comments but sometimes I don't get a notification, so I had no idea you commented or sent me a message. I don't know why that's so screwy but I hope that I'll get to see them.

So thank you to each and everyone of you for the feedback, you brought tears to my eyes and a smile on my face, so thank you for making my life that much greater :)

I think that about sum's it up, if you have any questions/ comments please post them, message me or comment bellow! Thank you for taking the time to read this! Please vote/ comment! I love all of you and please enjoy!!!

- Xoxo Abbey

My Redneck (Sequel to That Redneck/ Daryl Dixon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now