"Great, thanks princess. Did you guys order while waiting for us?" I asked Percy.

"Beth just knows what we want." He said. I wonder what's going on between him and that waitress. It's really none of my business. I'm just here for these kids and that's it. 

"Gahhh!" I heard beside me. I looked up and saw a man hunched over. 

"Sorry Herb." Percy said. The man must've tripped over Christina's suitcase.

"You people should really watch where you put your stuff. That's Herbert to you Mr. Sheriff . No respect in this town, absolutely none." He said and left our table. That guy is creepy. 

"Here you two ladies go! Here are your guys' also." Beth said coming back with all of our food. Christina immediately grabbed a bacon.

"Umm Christina, what do you say?" I asked.

"Thank you!" She said to Beth.

"You are very welcome!" She said.

"No really, thank you." Percy said with a smile. Wow. I guess I'm shocked cause I've never really seen him not act like a dick. Except here and now with the kids. Wow, I feel like a baby mama. I have to leave this place soon. Before I get too attached.

"No problem!" She said. We ate our food and then we left the diner. I split the bill of course! I wasn't gonna let him have the last word. He hanged back with Harry. Probably to talk to Beth. Why do I care??????? I just decided to drive Christina home. We waited for him while blasting and dancing to some Disney hits in my car.

"I had fun with you, did you have fun with me?" I asked Christina after we raced to the front door when Percy got home. She won of course!

"Yeah! You're pretty cool!" She said.

"Thanks." I said as Percy opened the door. The kids ran in and Harry bolted up stairs.

"Alright bye mom bye dad!" She said and ran up the stairs after him. They're so cute. I walked in and put her suitcase by the last step of their stairs.

"So you did a lot with her huh?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, she's really a great kid!" I said.

"Yeah, she get's it from me." He said.

"Nah I think it was me!" I said.

"Oh really!" He said chuckling.

"Yup!" I said giggling. We heard a scream and we ran upstairs.

"Harry ate this and now he won't wake up!" She said. I smelt what he ate. It was poisoned! It smelt that bad! 

"You need to get him to the hospital!" I said. We rushed him to the hospital. The doctors rushed him in. I shed a few tears as I saw his small body losing life. Come on kid you have to push through. I looked at the cookie bag in my hand.

"Who gave him these cookies?" I asked Percy.

"Herbert. He gave them to us as an apology for how he acted earlier. It's what took me so long coming back." He said. That creepy guy! You gave him cookies from that creepy guy and didn't check them first!?!?!? What kind of cop!

"Where is he?"I asked.

"In his office on cherry lane." He said. I went to my car and drove to this Herbert dude's office. I busted into the office.

"Why did you poison Harry?" I asked. I looked around and saw him with mayor Zachary.

"Excuse me?" He replied.

"I think I asked you a question. Why did you poison my son!" I asked.

"I'm afraid I don't recall." He said. I got a real good look at his face. Last time I just saw him in passing. This time he looked familiar. Like- like Hades from Harry's book. No... It can't possibly be true.

"I'll be back for you! Trust me, it won't be pretty." I said. I drove back to the hospital. I went to the doctor.

"Listen he ate these cookies, they were poisoned." I told the doctor.

"We don't know for certain cause he has a weird type of blood. It's not quite sickle cell. Doctor, come see." The doctor said. I dumped everything out of Harry's backpack, it had to have been something else that did this.

"It's nothing we've ever seen before." Another one said. I then saw the book. It hit me. Like a ton of freaking bricks. It's true. It has to be. It's not a coincidence. It can't be.

"Like he was a god." I said.

"I mean that's impossible!" The second doctor said. I shed a tear and bent down to Harry.

"I believe and I love you. So please fight hard for me, you can't leave now! You just found me." I whispered in his ear and kissed his forehead. Then there was a blast. Woah, I feel so weird. I heard a giggle and I looked down. I saw Harry in baby form. Harry! My son, my baby boy. Where's Percy? I ran out of the room holding Harry tightly. I saw Percy holding Christina. My eyes welt up with tears. I went up to him and kissed him. He kissed back.

"I missed you!" I said.

"Right back at ya." He said. I went out of the hospital and saw dad.

"It worked!" I said.

"Hades must've known something. He had his memory once you came into town. I guess he had a huge bone to pick with Percy." He said.

"It's okay, I have plans for him. Hold Harry?" I asked and he held him. I flashed to Hades' office. It feels great to be able to do that again! I went to him and froze him. I flashed him to his living room in the underworld. I then flashed to the entrance of the underworld and froze everything. Everything except the river souls, so that new souls can enter in. No one wants to be god of the underworld in his place. So that will regulate things down here.

"That'll teach you to poison my kids again!" I said under my breath. I left leaving him to many years of cold. It'll take 500 trillion or so souls to defrost the whole thing. I'm fine with not dealing with Hades for that long.  Mmm, it's good to be back!

Once Upon Olympia (2nd Book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt