summer 2011

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I walked on the beach with my sister Gemma and we were just having a good time. When she ran into the sea, I just did the same but I fell over a lonesome boy, who was laid down there. 'Oh, I'm so sorry, I just... I'm so sorry.' I apologized.

'It's  okay hun, really. Is that your sis over there?' He asked and I nodded,  with the word hun in my head. 'She's pretty.' He said and he was looking  at Gemma. I felt jealous.

'What's your name?' He asked. His blue eyes were bluer than the bluest sea I've ever seen.  'H-Harry.' I responded bashfully.

'That's a beautiful name, for a beautiful guy.' I felt  something inside. It was like butterflies in my stomach. I knew for a  while that I was gay.

'Thanks, I think.'  'Come, lay down here.' Louis said and he pointed at the towel next to  him. 'Who owns it?' I asked.

'My sis, Lottie. She's there with  her friends.' I nodded and laid down. 'So Harry, tell me about yourself.' He said. 'Uh, I'm Harry and I'm 17 years old. I live with my  mum and sister in Holmes Chapel and yeah, I think that's it.'

'So I told you who I am,  now it's your turn.' Louis looked at me. 'I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm 19  years old and I live also with my mum and my four sisters.' When he said that, his lips formed perfect letters, he had perfect lips and I was staring at them.

'Harry?' Louis voice  waked me from my perfect daydream. 'Everything all right?' I nodded.  'Where do you live?' I asked.

'Doncaster.' My heart stopped for a  minute. I can visit him with the train. Now we are in Italy,  at the beach, but yeah, I thought that he might live in another country and that I'd never see him again, it's weird, but I felt something for him. I'd only known him for half an hour, and I felt something for him. Love at first sight, some may say.

'So, you are gay right?'  Louis asked me after a while and I was in shock. 'How do you know?' Then I felt dumb,  because I just admitted that I was gay. 'So you are?'

'Yes I am.' I felt  ashamed, I never told anyone about it really.

'But how did you know?'

'I just felt it. Please don't be mad at me...'  'Why should I be mad at you?' 'For this.'

He pressed his lips at  mine. I was in shock, for the second time. His lips were perfect, just  like I thought. I kissed him back and when we stopped I was a little disappointed. Louis put his finger under my chin and lift it up. 'Don't  look so sad love, I can kiss you again if you want.'

Louis and I talked for a  while. Louis said he saw me a few times, we were staying in the same  hotel, and he just felt something for me. I admit that I saw him a  couple times, but I didn't focused on boys this holiday, just on having  fun with Gems. We talked about everything. Our lives, we were really  talking out of our asses.

'How could I ever be mad  at you?' 'I don't know. Maybe you don't like me.' He said and he stared at the ground. 'I really like you Louis.' I said, playing with my hair.

That's when we kissed  again. Also our sisters came to the beach. 'Louis, who's that?' A voice  asked. And when I looked up, I saw it was Lottie. 'Hi, I'm Harry.' I  said and she shaked my hand. 'Lottie.' She looked a little angry at  Louis, but then she went back to her friends.

'Lou, is she mad?' I  asked. 'I don't think so, just a little overwhelmed, that's all.' He  said. I just nodded and then he get closer to me. 'Is this not too  fast?' Louis asked. 'Maybe, we can go a little slower. Just.. just not  too fast.' I said and he nodded.


That day when I walked  to the hotel, Gemma was curious. 'Who was that Hazza?' She asked a couple times. 'A boy Gem, his name is Louis and yeah, we kissed.' 'Yeah, I saw  that. Very fast Hazza.' 'Maybe, but it felt right Gems, really I think I  like Louis.' When I said that I realized that that wasn't the truth, I  don't think I like him. I do like him.

At midnight I walked on  the beach with Louis. He sneaked into the hotel and knocked at my door.  We were holding hands and when Louis looked at me, I felt so happy.  Mostly of the time that I spend with Louis I felt happy.

'Lou, what did Lottie say?' 'She said that she thinks it was too fast.' I nodded, thinking  about Gemma's words, they were the same. 'Gemma said the same. That our  kiss was too fast.' 'You liked it tough?' 'Yes I did, I like you Lou.'  'I like you too.'

'And you've never been  drunk before?' Louis asked after a glass of beer. 'No, I'm 17 Lou, its  so young.' I didn't drink that evening. 'You want a beer?' He asked.  'No, I don't want a beer.' 'Okey Hazza, I stop drinking beer now.' He  said and he did. He didn't drink when he was with me after that time on  the beach. He was just a sweet boy.

When I was back at my  hotel room I couldn't stop thinking about Louis. The way he looked at  me, the way his voice sounds, the way he kissed me. All the things I  loved about Louis. And maybe our sisters were right, that we did the  things too fast, but it felt good. Good to be with someone I liked,  really liked. Gems was just a little worried.

And when I tried to  sleep, I just felt so sick and I immediately went to the bathroom, to  throw up in the toilet. Everything of the day before came out, I felt  sick, really, really sick. And when I walked to my bed, I heard my phone  and saw that Louis send me a message.

From Louis: Hey hun, I hope you had a good day today hun. I did have a good day. Love you. Lou

Immediately I send a message back.

To Louis: Hey Lou, I had a good day, but I feel a little sick now. It has nothing to do with you. Just tired I think. Love you too baby. H

I put my phone away and I  laid down on the bed. I couldn't sleep and when I looked at my phone to  check the time I heard a knock on the door. The time was 05.36. I stood  up and when  I opened the door, I saw Louis standing there.

'Hey hun.' He walked in.  Throw his shoes away and laid down on the bed. 'C'mon hun, you have to  sleep.' I also laid down on the bed. Louis arms around my waist, and I  fell asleep. I didn't asked him why he came, because I already known the  answer. Because I love you.

The Black Day // larry stylinsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن