Chapter 14: Alive

Start from the beginning

“Oliver why don’t you put down the knife,” Connor said from right next to him.

Oliver turned in surprise and in his shock the knife left Kathy’s neck. She looked like she wanted to elbow him or something, but I hastily pulled her out of harm’s way. Connor leapt forwards and tackled Oliver to the ground. For a split second I thought Oliver was defeated, but then I remembered the he still had a knife and when Connor fell back, the blade was speared into his stomach. Oliver gave a great shout of Connor and sprinted out the door. I wanted to go and follow him, but Kathy was dropping down on the ground next to Conner. She had tears flowing steadily from her eyes. I looked at Zayn. ‘We should stay’ he mouthed.

“Connor, oh my god…” she pulled out the knife from his stomach.  “You’re going to be fine. Stay awake!”

“Kathy, it’s useless…” Connor’s voice was very quiet and his breaths were ragged. “I’m losing too much blood.”

“You are not going to die!”

 “I know what condition I’m in-“

“No, we’re going to get you to hospital! Just stay with me!”

We couldn’t get him to the hospital without picking him up and opening his wound further, so all we could do was wait for the ambulance Zayn called.

 “Look, I need to tell you something.”

“You can tell me later! We need to get you to the hospital!”

“I’m not going to make it, just listen.” Kathy shut her mouth. “Cheating on you was the most idiotic thing I ever did and I know I was downright git, but I need you to know that I really do love you. That’s why I went through everything –legal or illegal – to try and win you back. And now I’ve noticed just how stupid that was. I truly am sorry for everything I’ve done to you guys.” Zayn and I looked down at our shoes. “Tell Harry I’m sorry I kept him prisoner for so long, that was a really dick move. But Louis, I can’t even begin to say how sorry I am for putting that between you and Kathy. What I did was so shitty,” Connor stopped.

“Oi! I will not forgive you if you just go and die. I need you stay alive so I have someone to hate!” I said (I know it was harsh, but I didn’t know what else to say).

 “The ambulance is coming! You’re going to make it,” Kathy tried to say through her tears.

Connor shook his head slightly. “I won’t, but I’m just glad that I still got a chance to redeem myself before I die.”

“You’re not going to die, do you hear me?”

We heard the sirens of the ambulance stop and paramedics came piling into the old shed.

“No wait, can I just say something first?” Connor asked.

“No, let them save you first and then you can say whatever you want to say,” said Kathy.

“Just listen-“

“I won’t listen until you’re in a stable condition.”

“I’m going to say it anyway then. I understand if you never want to forgive me for what I did to you, but I just need you to know that I only did everything because I love you so-“

He didn’t finish his sentence. His last words were caught in his throat and his arm fell to the side.


Connor was rushed into the emergency room at the hospital while Kathy and I waited outside. We completely forgot about the awkwardness between us after we’d broken up and Kathy had her head buried in my chest, crying. Zayn arrived back from recording his statement with the police and sat down next to us to wait. He gave us one piece of good news that Oliver didn’t go far and was captured by the police (which was probably why they never returned). It was strange that we would be waiting for Connor to come out of the emergency room safely when the last few times we’d been here we had been waiting for Kathy.

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