Chapter 13: Delta

Start from the beginning

Letting go, we walked to the bottom, me taking pot shots with my pistol-sword. If an enemy came close enough, I ripped into them using the sword, blood splattering everywhere. As John and I met again, seeing as I went one way while he went the other, we killed off the rest on the upper deck, moving lower and again, dividing to conquer. The Scarab was deactivated, and we jumped off onto the nearby ledge that was there. I almost fell off, but John pulled me from the clumsy position to stand tall next to him. 

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks. I wouldn't want to fall into the water."

The water far below was probably only a few feet deep, so I probably would of died, or would have had to transform, another option I wasn't really too keen on. Sighing in relief, I entered the pelican after John, pulled up by none other than the son of a bitch that cracked the best jokes all day- Johnson. 

"Hey! Good to see you girlie! Chip your nail trying to kill some more covenant?"

"Nah, I'm just as fabulous as ever." I did a hair flip, and he laughed with me at the stupidity of the joke. John probably rolled his eyes, or was confused. I had no idea with his helmet. 

"Get back up here. The capital ship is trying to make a jump inside of the city. I grabbed onto a hold, my weapons stored away, on my person, as the ship maneuvered to join the Amberclad. We docked, double-timing it to the bridge. After the smooth jump behind the ship, we found ourselves facing something I never wanted to see again. 

"Fuck. Another Halo."

I breathed, leaving the bridge for a moment. John immediately noticed that I had left, and came over to me, removing his helmet to show worry. 

"You okay?"

"No. I don't want to see those... Things... Again. I'm sure this Halo has more of those."

"I know, but we'll be okay. Especially since you have even better defense against them than me."

"But John," I moved to stare straight at him, lips a thin line, "I hate that part of myself. It was forced on me. You might not understand, but it caused me a lot of emotional pain, despite only having it for so long. I hate how it makes me feel. I hate myself in that form. And I know it works, and that it's worth using, but the emotional tax that it has on me is more exhausting than even the physical. You need to understand that... That the form I take on is my absolute last resort. I never want to use it again unless there is no way other than for me to use it. The only thing I am thankful for in the whole ordeal was to get the use of my legs." 

He sighed, and took my shoulders. "It's okay."

I smirked. "Of course. The man of few words. Always been like that, haven't you bro?"

"Have I?"

"Yes. I remember when we were kids you only said what you had to. The only person you would talk to for an extended period of time was me, since I loved to debate weird topics with you and talk for hours about crazy stuff I knew. You were the only one that was able to understand me for so long, and it wasn't until I met Halsey and the other Spartans that I finally had people to talk to, since I was always like that. People hated me, back in school, because they kept asking why this little eight year old was in the eighth grade class."

He frowned, giving me an awkward side-hug. "You're strong. That's why you've survived. Keep that determination with you."

I nodded, and smiled wide. At least he was understanding at some level. 

We got ready to land on the new Halo, which was nicknamed Delta Halo. Getting into an ODST drop pod, I started breathing a bit heavy. It was claustrophobic, and something I was not a huge fan of. 

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