Chapter 6: Rumors

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I cannot believe Ms. Collins was my neighbor. It still felt like a damn nightmare. It seems like I can't get away from that woman!

My grandparents found out about her being the new neighbor, and since they knew her grandparents very well, they baked a cake and asked me to take it over to her. If only they knew that I was trying to stay away from her, not be around her so much!

But who was I kidding? I wanted to be around her every second. I couldn't get enough, but she loved playing these mind games and I can't stand it.

As I was carrying the cake across the street, I couldn't help but wonder how fate loves messing with me. First, she's my new English teacher, then I fell for her and kissed her three times, and now we were neighbors.

Are you laughing up there God? Because I am not.

I made my way to the door and knocked. I felt so damn nervous and I can't stand it!

An older lady opened the door and smiles at me, "Hello dear."

I smiled back, "Hi. Um, Vicky wanted me to give this cake to Ms. Collins."

She smiled and took the cake, "Of course, would you like to come in?"

Should I?

I nodded and walked in behind her. The place was like any other elderly's house, old pictures, old expensive collectables, everything you'd find in an old couples house.

We walked into the kitchen and she placed the cake on the counter and turned towards me, "Jennifer tells me that you are her student in one of her classes." So she talks about me?

I nod, "Yes ma'am."

She smiles, "Let me know if she gets too hard on you, I'll kick her into shape." She laughs a little at this and I can't help but think about her actually attempting to kick Ms. Collins.

I laugh a little and hear someone clear their throat. I turn around and see Ms. Collins standing in the doorway with an amused look on her face, "What's going on?" I look over at her grandma who looks over at me then at her, "Just chatting, Aubrey here brought you a cake." Ms. Collins looks at me and smiles. I look down at the floor and feel my cheeks heating up.

This damn woman

Her grandmother offered me to stay a little longer but I refused. I couldn't stay in the same room as Ms. Collins, except for school.

I had to be in the same room as her there. This situation was not recommended.

Before I had the chance to step out of the kitchen, Ms. Collins stopped me, "Let me walk you out." I looked at her as if she was crazy, she wanted to be alone with me?

Was she crazy?

Apparently, because here we are walking out the door, down the steps.

I stopped and looked at her, "Stop playing these mind games. They're not fun anymore. Just leave me alone, "I whispered the last part and started towards across the street.

I heard Ms. Collins behind me, "You think this is easy? It's not Aubrey."

I stopped and turned towards her and seen a look of sadness written on her face. I shrugged, "Then why are you making it hard?"

She looked down and shook her head, "I'm scared," she looked back up and I could of swore she was about to cry. I looked up at the sky, silently asking God why. I walked toward her and stopped a foot in front of her, "What are you so afraid of?" She smiled slightly at my frozen quote, I smiled and sighed, "Why can't you give this a chance? Fuck what everyone says."

Forgive me, Miss Collins (TeacherxStudent) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now