Chapter 5: New Neighbor

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I woke up to a pounding headache and that party was something else. I'm glad I went but damn, I hate getting so drunk that my hangover gets worse the next day. It's not like I don't enjoy getting sloppy drunk and forgetting shit, but I hate the aftermath.

I slowly sit up and hold my head, then last nights memories starts flooding my mind; Sasha. Sex. I look around the room and notice that I'm not in my room, so I must be in Sasha's.

Hell no.

I jump off the bed and run to the door, but before I could grab the knob, it opened and I'm terrified to see who's behind it.


I smile and jump on him, "I'm so glad to see you!" He pulls back and looks at me, "You do realize where you are, right?" I look around and recognize the room immediately.


I look at him terrified, "H-how did I end up here? What the hell are we still doing here? Let's go!" I pull his arm and run out the door, I begin looking frantically everywhere so I won't run into her. I find the coast is clear and rush out the door.

The cool air hits me and I feel like I can breathe. Toby unlocks his car and we both get in. He backs out and skids down the road. I look over at him and he just shakes his head, "I knew it was a bad idea to take you to that party! I didn't think Sasha would find out you were there, but apparently she did."

I slouched in the seat and look down, "I had to get away from my problems.." I mumbled, "But I didn't mean to leave with her! Why didn't you stop me?" I look over at him and he turns to me while at a red light, "I couldn't find you! You're blaming me? I thought you'd have enough sense to not leave with her!" I sighed and shook my head, "How did you know where to find me?"

The light turned green and he sped down the road, "I asked someone where you were and they said you left with that crazy bitch, so I knew it was Sasha, but I didn't come until this morning because Sasha's guards were heavy last night."

I shook my head, Sasha was a spoiled rich bitch who got what she wanted. Her parents inherited so much shitload that they passed it down to her as a early future gift. She's so fucking loaded. That's one reason why I hooked up with her.

We pulled up at my house and I smiled at Toby, but my smile faded when I seen him looking serious. I put my serious face on and crossed my arms, "Why so serious?" I said in my terrible joker voice. He sighed and ran his head through his hair, "You had sex with Sasha." I nodded, yes I knew this, and I was going to bleach myself. He raised his eyebrow, "You do realize she's never, ever going to leave you alone now? And she's going to tell everybody."

I smiled, "And I will explain to everybody that I was drunk and she raped me." And with that said, I kissed his cheek and ran into my sanctuary.

Once inside, I was greeted with Shane, who did not not look too pleased. "You didn't call, and didn't come home last night." I sighed, "I got drunk and slept over at... A friends house." I shuddered just calling Sasha a friend.

He shook his head, "Can you please just be careful? Call me next time and come home?" If there will be a next time.

I smiled and nodded then proceeded to my room. I walked to the window and opened it and sat on the windowsill. I took in the surroundings and smiled at how beautiful nature was. I heard talking from across the street, so I leaned out a little more to take a better look.

I seen a car I've never seen before, parked across the street at the neighbors house. There was an old woman and man who walked out to the car, and a blonde haired girl got out and walked to them. I watched them as they exchanged hugs and were talking. The girl walked back to her car and I got a glimpse of her face.

Forgive me, Miss Collins (TeacherxStudent) [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt