Ben lead me down the aisle and hand me over to Jason. "Thank you," I whispered to Ben.

I stood in front of Jason holding hands. Our vows were said, some people cried.

Jason pulled me to him with a fake smile on his face then pressed his lips against mine, I kissed him back after wrapping my arms around his neck. We pulled away from each other,

People stood up and clapped for us. Our ceremony was beautiful. I felt different, I felt like a bride, but also I didn't. I didn't feel like how a girl should feel on her wedding day, instead: I felt dirty and used. Maybe Jason was right the other night. Maybe I am a whore. Maybe I am. Maybe after this year I will find the one.

Jason took my hand and laced our fingers together. We walked down the aisle as people clapped. Once at the end and the doors closed Jason looked at me. "You look beautiful."

Jason just gave me a compliment. I smiled in reply. "You look nice too," I looked down at my left hand. The wedding band was so beautiful, it was gold and covered in diamonds. "On this day next year we'll sign those papers right?"

Jason nodded. "Then you'll get your money." I didn't even care about the money anymore, I didn't even know what I cared about at this point. I was some sad poor girl, and I always will be. "But for now you're my wife, A Manning."

"I understand. Are we leaving for a honeymoon tonight?" I didn't even care about that, but I guess a 'vacation' would be nice.

"Early tomorrow morning we'll be leaving for our honeymoon."

"Can I know where?" I've never been outside of America.

Jason pulled me close and whispered, "Nope." I let out a sigh. "Let's go to the reception." He grabbed my hand and took me to wear the reception was, and it was just as beautiful as Cathy had put it together. It was a dream wedding.

"This is so beautiful!" I walked around as I looked at everything.

"It is, Cathy did an amazing job. Well that's what I paid her to do. You like it right?" No! I freaking loved it. It was do beautiful. It was a wedding every girl dreamed of as a child. Almost.

"This is perfect, really, Jason."

"I'm glad you like it, even though this, us, is fake I wanted to give you a special wedding day. That's the least you deserve."

I looked at him almost shocked at what he just said. "Thank you,"

Jason nodded and took my over to a huge table that had our cake on it and lots of sweets. "Would it be bad if I ate a cookie?" I giggled.

Jason smiled, took one, and put it in my mouth. I bit into the cookie and ate it. The room started to fill with all of our guests. Jason took me over to our table where his parents, Reese, David, Joe, and Lauren sat. Jason and I sat close to each other and held hands.

"How does it feel to be a married man?" Joe grinned at his best friend.

Jason smiled, "It feels great to be married to the love of my life." One of Jason's arms went around me and pulled me closer to him. He kissed the side of my head.

I gave everyone a fake smile. The food came and everyone started eating and drinking. Joe stood up and went to the stage.

"Today my best friend got married. I don't think myself or many others thought Jason Manning would settle down, but he did. To a wonderful woman who keeps him in line. There was much love at the ceremony today. I'm glad Jason found someone that makes him happy. I'm happy my best friend settled down. Good luck to you both." Joe raised him glass as people clapped.

Lauren went up on the stage. "I never seen Serena date before Jason. I never seen her this happy before. Serena being happy is very important to me, she's my best friend. They're both great people who belong together. I haven't really known Jason for that long but I know he'll treat my best friend right. Good luck!" Damn! Joe and Lauren were both great at selling stories.

After finishing dinner Jason took me over to the cake. "Are you ready to cut the cake?"

I nodded and placed my hand over his as we cut the cake. Jason took a piece and shoved it in my face. I squealed then did the same. At this time I forgot everything, the deal, the three million, how fake we our.

His strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me to him closely and planted a kiss on my lips. Cake spread across both of our faces. "Is Rita here?" I whispered against his lips.

"No. None of my exes or hook ups are." Jason looked down at me and kissed my forehead. He took a napkin and wiped the cake off my face and his. He offered me his hand. "Will you dance with me?"

I nodded and followed him out to the dance floor. Jason took on of my hands and another on my waist, we started moving to the song. "Are you going to see Rita before we leave?"

"No. It's our wedding night, I'm not going to do that to you, Serena." My eyes met his. Why was he being nice? Sure it was our wedding day but why would that really stop Jason from being an asshole to me. He was acting different today, tonight. He wasn't being himself. "What are you thinking about?" He asked me.


"Me? Why would you be thinking about me?" Well you are sexy.

"You're acting weird tonight,"

"Shh. Let's just dance."

When we were almost done our dance when people started pilling onto the dance floor. The rest of the night was actually fun and enjoyable.

Before leaving the wedding Jason made me change into some white dress that went to my knees. He told me he didn't want me to ruin on wedding dress.

We were in the car when he put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him but he was on his phone. I yawned as my eyes followed the moon that was shinning bright tonight.

"You're tired?"

"Yeah. It's been a busy day. You know, getting married." I closed my eyes.

Arms went around my half asleep body and carried me into the house. I instantly curled up in Jason's arms, putting my head on his chest. He set me gently on the bed. "Don't leave..." I said almost asleep, and unaware of what I was saying.

The bright light of my phone said; 3:47 am. My body turned and my eyes found Jason asleep next to me. He really did stay...he stayed....

~I am so sorry this chapter was crap. I'm not good on wedding's but I hope you all liked it though. I tried to make it something I liked and something you all would like yourselves. Thanks again for reading and 5K reads!!!!! Thank you so so much! This means so much! Remember to comment your feedback❤! COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE!!!


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