shanks x reader

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this one is gonna be a little different, more like lovey-dovey almost, but dont worry, i shall feed your dirty minds in some way shape or form.

plott: you have been on shanks boat for the last couple months just to use his boat as a way to get to the sabaody archipelago from a different island that you became friends with shanks on, of course you kinda have a crush on the red headed pirate, but never did you know he would be as naughty as you come to find out.

this one is gonna be slightly shorter and less involment, more so like you meet, you love, you fuck.end. 

hope you like it lol


"where the hell did that good for nothing red head go?" you said to yourself while you stomped around the deck of his boat. you came to find out that the red head took your last bottle of sake that you won in a poker game. and you are quite pissed. it's about 8pm and the sun is setting as well as some stars peaking, you take a momment to look up and take in the wonderful view when the sound of shanks voice throws you back in to your rage.

you hurd shanks laughing as well as a few other frinds of his when you come to relize he was hiding uncer deck.

"fucker." you spat out as you stomped down the stairs.

"what the fuck shanks that was my last bottle, that was supposed to get me though till i reached the sabaody archipelago." you yelled at him as he looked at you and his giggles arised again before he almost fell over and off of the barrel he was sitting on.

"whats so bad about it, commmahhhhnnnnn ill give you some~" shanks said as he waved the bottle around.

"dude it was mine to begin with, so give it back." you shouted as you kinda just gave up and sighed and walked away. as you were walking threw the hall to go to your room, you were pinned to the wall.

"what the f--" you almost got out your words as you found shanks so close to your face as his red head hung over his face, he placed his lips on your neck and started to kiss it as your turned your head away to cover the fact your face was red.

"shanks get off of me. you're drunk." you said as he giggled into your neck and placed his hand on your hip, pressing it unto the wall and making circles with his thumb on your bone.

"sh--shanks." you managed to get out as he placed a kiss on your lips and vicously made out with you.

"what the issue~ i thought you liked me?" shanks said into your ear with a low tone as your face heated up even more.

"whho--who told you?!" you stuttered as you tried to brake free, you kept struggleing and felt him pick you up as he threw you over his shoulder.

"hey boss? =everything ok?" one of the men walked up and saw the struggle. 

"yea everythings good, just taking care of my woman~" shanks said as he walked off with you over his shoulder as he took both of you into his room and then threw you onto his bed.

One Piece Sadist Lemons (at random)Requests are still up and running~♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora