Ace x Reader (Lemons)

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sooo hope you like it..i kinda ran out of ideas so lets just run with it...



plot, you have been budds with ace for a few years and junk and always have pissing contests between the two of you to see who is better, most of the time neather of you back down from a task from the other, due to wanting to show each other up....sooooo.

end result..shit like this happens.

this one is gonna get started pretty fast and end early but hopefully it's enough to please you naughty kittens.


"ACE WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!" you yelled out as you ran out of the bathroom to yell at him from turning the hot water off.

"what it's funny~" ace replyed back with a sly tone.

"whats so funny about this?!" you lashed out at the weird curly haired boy.

"well for one, your dripping water all over the floor....aaannnnddd you naked." ace said as he poineted at you, you jumped in a panic and threw your hands over your areas then let out a growling pissed off yell.


later on that day.

both you and ace were sitting in your room just chilling as he decided to strick a conversation.

"ya know, i got a question."  ace asked looking over to you.

"yea what is it?" you kept your head down still staring intently at the dook you were reading.

"welp, why dont you have a man?" ace asked as you stoped for a second but then continued.

"i dont want someone to own me, or feel like they own me"

"heh heh, you dont like being samisive?" he snickered.

"nope," you said as you turned the page.

"i bet youre to stuck up to even try it." he picked.

"nahhh you dont know me" you said once more as you turned another page.

with a sly smerk ace looked at you and leaned back in his chair.

"then show me you can be owned without bitching about it."

ace said as he flicked his hat.

"or are you too scared and weak to try." he tossed at you and you slammed your book shut.

"fuck you dude of course im not weak, or scared." throwing your book to the side. only to see ace crawl right next to you and stare at you in the eyes with his sly ones.

"then show me daddy."

you looked over to him and then back to the ground, ace peared in with a snarking glint.

"i guess i was right, you are scared" ace said as you threw your head back his direction. you rolled your eyes and with a toss you spoke.

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