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❝After everything we've been through, were still together and that's all of I've ever asked for.❞
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"It's done." Vanessa spoke, turning to the others.

"But, before we start celebrating our new found freedom, lets just see if it actually worked." Vanessa continued

She grabbed a small needle that was nearby, pricking her finger, a small dot of blood formed on Vanessa's finger. Everyone looked at Hayley as she lifted her right hand looking at her point finger, seeing that there was no blood on it.

A sigh of relief fell over the group. It was all over, all they have to do was get out of town.

"Thank you for this." Hayley said to Vanessa

"For the first time in a long time I'm free, so again thank you." Hayley stated  as she turned to the siblings

Vanessa smiled weakly, "You're welcome, hopefully this could be your exit ticket." She replied

Hayley nodded her head. "Maybe."

Hayley then waved goodbye and walked out of the apartment. Kali sighed deeply looking at her two siblings. So much has happened over the last month and all she wants to do is hop in a car and speed off.

"Alright let's get the hell out of here." Kali spoke

Tyler and Vanessa both nodded their heads and began packing their bags. Vanessa grabbed some shirts, bottoms and couple of pairs of shoes, shoving them all in a large travel bag. Tyler just put all his of the clothes and toiletries bag into his duffle. Vanessa looked at Kali who was peaking through the curtain, looking down at the street.

"You're not bringing anything?" Vanessa asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear

"No, I have everything I need here." Kali stated quickly

As Kali surveyed more she could see five women and men with black cloaks approaching the apartment.

"We have company." Kali turned to her siblings

Vanessa rose up from the floor and  Tyler stopped packing.

"Keep packing." Vanessa told her brother as she went towards Kali

She rose her hand pulling the curtain back a little bit, looking at the witches approaching the apartment.

"What do we do?" Kali asked

Vanessa licked her lips, her mind racing trying to think of a way to stop them. Immediately a spell popped into her head.

"I've got a plan I just need some time." Vanessa stated quickly

"You've got a a minute. You think you could do it in time."

Vanessa nodded.

"Alright. Tyler is everything packed and ready?"

"Yeah, everything is all set."

"Okay, its on you little sis." Kali turned to her sister

Vanessa then bent down to her knees, planting her hands down on the wooden floor. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and began the spell.

'Tutum loco hoc, in quo non valent notoria et usu.'

She mumbled the words as her eye lids fluttered. Off in the distance Kali could hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"They're coming, I can hear them....." Kali voice trailed off

Vanessa repeated the spell a few more times suddenly the apartment door flew open. The hooded witches appeared in the apartment. The room fell in silence as Tyler and Kali joined their sister by her side. A witch lifted her hood, her blonde hair falling out of it. Her face was stern and her body stood tall and firm.

"Vanessa Nyuar you have betrayed the coven and allowed the werewolf to murder multiple witches and kill our last living elder. You are a disgrace to the witches and you and your family will be condemned for your actions."

"Disgrace?! Agnes deserved to get what she did, she was trying to kill an unborn baby and the mother! She almost sacrificed me to the ancestors just so she could get want she wanted. She doesn't care about the well being of the coven, she just cared about herself."

"That may be the case, but you all will still be punished for the deaths of Agnes and several witches." The blonde haired witch stated

The witch raised her hands, the witches followed suit. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked down her hands.

"You can't perform magic in my home." Vanessa stated looking at the witches

"How could you do that? You're not that strong, it takes years to know that spell-"

"You don't know what I can do it." Vanessa calmly replied

The blondes once calm demeanor immediately washed away and was replaced with fear and desperation. She began slowly backing away from the siblings and tried to go to the door. She fumbled with the door knob before she yanked it open. She tried to walk out but it seemed to be an invisible force blocking her from exiting the apartment.

The blonde whipped her head around meeting Kali's red eyes and wolf like fangs. Kali could hear the blonde witch's heart thump against her chest. She smirked at the thought of the irony in situation.

"I'll save you for last." Kali stated

Then Kali lunged at the group of witches, swiping her claws at some the witches. Blood spurred as Kali struck each of the witches, one by one falling to the hard wood floor until it was just the blonde witch left.

Kali with swift in precise movements, jumped lifting her right legs, kicking her foot hitting the witch's neck. The blonde reached for her neck, wrapping her hands around it. Blood began to seep through her fingers. You could see the life fade from her face as her body dropped to the ground.

Kali turned and looked at her siblings, catching her breath.

"Let's go." Kali stated

Tyler picked up the bags and Vanessa followed behind them with her grimoire in hand. Kali took one last look of the apartment looking at the dead bodies laying on the ground. She then grabbed the door knob and closed the door. She followed her siblings down the stairs and out to the car. Each of them quickly packed all of their bags in the trunk and packed inside the car.

Vanessa sighed deeply as she put her car keys in the ignition, turning the engine on and quickly pulling off into the street. It only took a few minutes for the siblings to drive out the city and as the words, 'Now exiting New Orleans' the anxiousness of everyone subsided. It was over. Vanessa looked over to her sister and then to her brother.

"Where to next?"

Kali leaned back into the passenger seat, turning her window down. Letting  the wind brush her cheeks and through her brown locks. She closed her eyelids taking a deep breath.


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