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❝We protect the ones that we love and we die for the ones we love.❞
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"Please wake up Vanessa." Kali pleaded still shaking her sister

"Shouldn't we call someone?!" Tyler spoke anxiously, rubbing his hands across his face

Kali looked around the room, noticing Vanessa's phone on her bedside table.

"Tyler, call Sophie, she's one of Vanessa's friends. She'll know exactly what to do,"

Tyler puzzled but shrugged it off going to Vanessa's phone and through her contacts. Kali looked down at her sister, still in the similar state. Eyes completely white with blood dripping from her nose, but now she notice little droplets of blood on her leather jacket, Kali's eyes traveled upwards were even more blood began gushing out of Vanessa's nose and now out her ears.

"Hurry Tyler." Kali gritted her teeth

"I'm trying its looks like our sister is a bit a of socialite.....Alright got it." Tyler replied after scrolling and finally finding Sophie contact and dialed the number, putting it on speaker

Tyler walked over, with phone in hand, kneeling down next to Kali. The ringing noise echoed through the room, with Kali and Tyler waiting anxiously on the opposite line.


"Sophie its Vanessa's sister Kali."

"Oh yeah, you're the bad ass werewolf chick that's been bashing skulls over bar counters in the city. So what's up?"

Tyler looked Kali with a somewhat surprised look, Kali rolled her eyes and mouthed, we'll talk about this later, adverting her attention back to her sister needing help.

"Look Sophie there's something wrong with Vanessa, her eyes are completely white, she's bleeding out of both ears and her nose and she's not responding to anything that I'm saying."

"Shit, uhm look Ill be over in just 5, are you at her apartment?"


"Alright make sure she's propped up on a bed or something and be over in a second."

Sophie hung up and Tyler did the same clicking the phone off.

"Can you prop the pillows up."

Tyler nodded his head, getting up to fix the pillows. Kali picked up Vanessa, laying her gently on the bed. Kali anxiously slid her fingers through her mane. Confusion and anger started to build up inside of Kali, her fists clenched, claws digging into her skin.

"Kali you're bleeding." Tyler spoke slowly, motioning towards the floor

There were small pools of blood forming on each side on where Kali's hands were. Kali unclenched, streams of bloods dripped down and four circle point were in the palm of each her hands. The doorbell rang and Tyler and Kali both looked up at each other.

"I'll get the door." Tyler said quickly before disappearing

Kali headed towards the bathroom. Turning on the faucet, the cool water stung her skin as it rinsed the blood from her hands. She shook her hands of excess water after the visible blood was gone. She sighed gripping the small sink in frustration. All Kali ever wanted was to keep her family safe, that's why she left them all those years ago. Now it's seems that she has her brother and sister back it's something that is trying to take them away from her.

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