
514 19 0

❝Sometimes you have to know
when to fight or when to run, or just do both.❞
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Vanessa stirred for a bit before she got up. She had no memory of yesterday, she remembered that she was supposed to do spell, but anything after that was a blur. She swung her legs on the opposite side of the bed walked out her bedroom. When she reached the living room she saw Kali and Tyler with solemn faces wondering why.

"Hey Kali...." Vanessa voice trailed off as she clutched her forehead

Kali shot up for the couch, walking up to her. Kali caressed Vanessa's face, her eyes were widly and full of worry.

"Are you alright?"

Vanessa shook her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. When did you get here?"

Kali sighed letting go of Vanessa's cheeks. "You don't remember anything?" She asked

"I-I remember Tyler being here and....I told him that I was going to bed, but I was going to the spell and....everything after that was a blur."

Kali shook her head, running her fingers through her mane, while Tyler got up from the couch embracing his sister.

"We're just glad your okay." Tyler said

Kali's blood began to boil. She was angry that the witches would put her own little sister in a predicament like this one. Vanessa could have died for a cause that she didn't know anything about. Vanessa was only 19, she doesn't exactly know what she's doing, those witches manipulated her. They should be ashamed of putting a young woman in a situation like that. Kali also thought it was strange that the witch Agnes took Hayley out into the bayou, but what for?

"Did Agnes ever tell why she was taking Hayley out to the Bayou?" Kali asked Vanessa

Vanessa furrowed her eyebrows, "No, why you ask?"

"No reason, do you know where to find her?"

"She's usually is around the compound near bourbon street..." Vanessa replied back a bit puzzled on why Kali asked where Agnes was.

Kali nodded her head, licking her lips.

"I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll be back in a few hours." Kali spoke abruptly before she walked towards Vanessa's door exited her sisters apartment.

≬ ≬ ≬

It didn't take long for Kali to locate where Agnes was. Agnes was typical, she only was around witches or humans and today were witches. Kali didn't care that Agnes was amongst her kind, in fact that made her even more enraged about what was going.

When Sophie didn't exactly tell her or Tyler why exactly Agnes brought Hayley out to the Bayou, Kali knew something was up. It was more then some private baby session with out the Mikaelson interference.

Kali crossed the street heading towards the compound, specifically Agnes who was talking to a girl. When she reached the sidewalk the girl had walked away and Agnes began walking into the courtyard.

Kali grabbed Agnes by her shoulder, shoving her against a nearby brick wall. She wrapped her hand around Agnes' neck.

"Why did you bring Hayley to the Bayou?!" Kali growled

Agnes shook her head in confusion.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She managed to get out as she struggled to breathe

Kali became impatient, she didn't have time to play any games. She needed to know why Agnes was in the bayou with Hayley. She gripped tighter on her neck, she could see the life begin to slip from Agnes' eyes.

"I don't have time for this Agnes. If you don't tell me I will kill you." Kali spoke

"F...Fine I'll tell you." Agnes breathed out

Kali let her hand go from Agnes' neck, while Agnes leaned against the wall, catching her breath.

"Why did you take her?" Kali repeated

"I toke her so I could check the baby's health. Why are you asking?"

Kali chuckled, she could tell that Agnes was lying straight through her teeth.

"Bull shit Agnes! We both know that you didn't bring her ass all the way out there for some damn check up!" Kali yelled her

Kali's eyes flickered red and her fangs began growing. She was just a hair from murdering Agnes in cold blood. Agnes backed further into the wall as Kali leaned in closer to her, Agnes could feel Kali breath on her exposed skin.

"This is the last time, why did you bring Hayley to the Bayou?"

Kali's ear picked up voices coming from a distance, she whipped her head around to see a two women and a man mumbling something, with their arms stretched out. Kali felt her leg contort and she felt to the ground. She yelled in pain as her opposite snapped into place. Agnes stepped away from Kali, backing away slowly. Kali heart began to race as each of her bone in her foot began to snap into an unfamiliar form.

As the witches came closer and closer Kali vision was blurring, her spine and arms snapping out of place. She let out a vicious growl that sounded nothing human, more like a wolves'. Kali's knees gave out as her face hit the cold concrete. She felt her head spin and her vision blurred more until suddenly fading into darkness.

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hello everyone! long time no see, its been forever since I update almost a month, sorry about that i kinda lost my inspiration a little but i got it back, thankfully and now you have a chapter!

yeah just so you all know things are going to pick up because i'm planning on ending this story somewhat soon so, expect maybe four or five more chapters, but until next everyone, bye!

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