Chapter 10: Back to quietness

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We got out of the woods safe and not caught...but not all of us. Alex and that little girl got turned and Sean! Who knew this was going to my friends. "Alright, this ends no," I said. "But Meg its way too dangerous," said Will. "Dangerous isn't in my vocabulary right now, come on were finding someone to turn them I said. 

-Time skip-

"Hi welcome to Zara Mysteries may I help you," she asked. "Do you have a book on how to change people back from monster eating their fear?" I said. "Yea I do," said Zara. "Is it harder to change back people with powers, like fire?" I asked. "Oh no not at all, but kids are harder to change back," she said giving me the book. "ok, well Thank you," I said.

-Back at the cube house-

"Alright now to read this," I said.

To change your friend or friends back to their normal selves from a monster eating there fear you have to do the following. Now doing this to kids is harder than you think, because there strong when there fear is eaten because they have more of it. If you want to change them back do the following. 

1 cup of water / A whole onion / 1/2 cup of lemon juice / Something they love / Spray it at their face >:)

"What kind of recipe is that," asks Will. "That not important, get the ingredients," I said. 


"Alright, I'll get the little girl, Will you get Alex, and Anthony get Sean," I said. "Alright," said Ant running to Sean's and Alex' house. "Ready Will," I asked. "Yep," he said. "Just try not to die," I said. 

Alex turned back, wow Will is quick. "What happened," She asked. "You got turned,I," said Will. "Where's Sean...crapIleft him as a demon I'm a terrible roommate", She said. "Anthony is trying to turn him back" said Will.


I ran back to me and Sean's place and I saw Ant having some trouble. We can say Sean turned into a demon. "Ant toss it to me" i said. He threw it to me and i caught it. I sprayed Sean in the face and he passed out. "He's turning back right" i asked. "Should be" said Ant. "Sean...Sean. Please wake up" i said. I saw his eyes open and he looked shocked. "What happened" asked Sean. "You turned into a demon...the monster was eating on your fear" i said. It was quiet again. "Its over though thats a great thing", i said. "It is", said Sean getting up. "I'm going to return the little girl to her mother", i said. 

-Time skip-

"Thank you for saving me", the little girl said hugging me. "Its no problem", i said knocking on her house door. The same women that came to my door that day answered. "Oh my goodness you found my little princess thank you!" she said. "Its not a problem", i said. 


I was eating a muffin until Alex walked through the door. "The little girl is safe and this terrible curse is over", She said. "Thanks for saving me", i said. "Anything for a best friend" she said. 

The town was quiet again...

The town was at peace...

The monsters were no more...

The quiet woods is now banned for anyone to go in...

But is everything really back to normal....

I was watching Spongebob with Alex and I paused it. "I got to go wash my hands be right back," i said. 

I was washing my hands looking in the eyes turned red. I shook my head and it was back to my brown eyes.

I exited the restroom and sat back on the couch and unpaused the tv. Maybe everything isn't back to normal...

(A/N: Hope you guys enjoy! This was so fun to write maybe a 2nd one will come, but thats in time people!)

The Quiet Woods (Cube SMP horror Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя