Chapter 6: Sean?!

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I went into the woods again the next morning after breakfast. It's just a shock to me how everything has changed. The power is still out and nothing works, well things that take wifi and electricity.

"Sean! Sean!" I yelled. I was still down under ground where it was dark and very very creepy. "Sean! Sean!" I yelled again. I heard something move and I got my dagger out. It's better then not having any weapon as they say. I walked down there and it was a small monster,  easy to kill with a dagger. I stabbed it then moved foreword. many dead monsters down here, I guess this wasn't the first time this happened.

I heard something fall or can't be someone! There's too many monsters down here. Plus no one could survive down here even with a good weapon and skills.

I kept walking towards the noise watching out for those creepy crawlys on the way...but there not spiders there monsters which is the worst thing that can happen to this world. This isn't the kind of thing that can end the world, because what do you think this is the walking dead?! (That wall breaking😂)

I was where the noise was nothing...there was nothing there. "Sean! Sean!" I yelled. I heard something get off the ground and I took my dagger out and point my flashlight at it or someone I don't know.
"Sean?!" I said. "Alex" said Sean. "Let's get back" I said. "That's a good idea" said Sean.

- House-

Sean was on the couch after he took a long shower. I can tell he was still scared. "Thanks for saving me" said Sean. "That's what friends are for right" I asked. "Yea" said Sean. "Do you need anything" I asked. "I'm hungry..." Said Sean. "What do you want" I asked. "Maybe some chicken noodle soup" said Sean. "Are you sure your'e ok" I asked. "Yea I'm ok....I didn't get attack I just got captured" said Sean. "You know I was worried. I would search for you until dawn" I said. "Really" asks Sean. "Yea. I can't replace you Sean, your my best friend and there's only one of you" I said. "Thanks" said Sean. I handed him his soup. "I'll be in my room if you need anything" I said. "Ok" said Sean.

(A/N: Sean isn't dead! Are you guys happy!)

The Quiet Woods (Cube SMP horror Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora